The Blue Back-drop
Hello guys!
Took a stroll today, when the rain had just stopped. All the bushes was sparkeling from watherdrops. I switched over the sigma 70-300 to "Macro"-mode and begun fireing away. The pictures came out nice, but in my head there was a word echoing - "Clichéish". There must be millions (atleast) "Waterdrop-on-leaf"-images already taken. I figured that if I'm gonna get a "keeper", I'll have to observe, think, and be creative. So, instead of just flimsely snapping away, I lowered the camera and I begun to look for something unique. Suddenly my eyes stopped on a lonely little leaf on a red twig. Ca 2-3 meters behind the bush where "my" twing and leaf was growing, there was a ground floor balkony door. The Venetian blinds was down and folded (shut) - and they where blue! I got an idea! I leaned over to observe the leaf with it's waterdrops in a angle so that the blue Venetian blinds became the backdrop. I was thrilled to notice that 3 off the waterdrops was reflecting the balkony door upside down. The shallow DOF made the background very smooth and evenly blue. I knew instantly that - regardless to if the pic turned out nice and interesting or not - that I had just snapped a unique "Waterdrop-On-Leaf"-image. That was a nice feeling! It pays off to shoot a little less and think and look a little more.
Critics and comments are welcome!
Regards / Matty
To be watched against a white background:

To be watched against a black background:

Do ya prefer a tighter crop? I think I do:
Took a stroll today, when the rain had just stopped. All the bushes was sparkeling from watherdrops. I switched over the sigma 70-300 to "Macro"-mode and begun fireing away. The pictures came out nice, but in my head there was a word echoing - "Clichéish". There must be millions (atleast) "Waterdrop-on-leaf"-images already taken. I figured that if I'm gonna get a "keeper", I'll have to observe, think, and be creative. So, instead of just flimsely snapping away, I lowered the camera and I begun to look for something unique. Suddenly my eyes stopped on a lonely little leaf on a red twig. Ca 2-3 meters behind the bush where "my" twing and leaf was growing, there was a ground floor balkony door. The Venetian blinds was down and folded (shut) - and they where blue! I got an idea! I leaned over to observe the leaf with it's waterdrops in a angle so that the blue Venetian blinds became the backdrop. I was thrilled to notice that 3 off the waterdrops was reflecting the balkony door upside down. The shallow DOF made the background very smooth and evenly blue. I knew instantly that - regardless to if the pic turned out nice and interesting or not - that I had just snapped a unique "Waterdrop-On-Leaf"-image. That was a nice feeling! It pays off to shoot a little less and think and look a little more.
Critics and comments are welcome!
Regards / Matty
To be watched against a white background:

To be watched against a black background:

Do ya prefer a tighter crop? I think I do:

Comments NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
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