Some suggestion for pro account...:)

If you want smugmug to be at the top of the World, listen!
Here are some options people are waiting for for a long time i'm pretty sure:
1)Buy and Download password: like that my client can in the same time share publicly with the world their gallery and photos and access download by taping their password just like photoshelter and zenfolio they do.Today at smugmug galleries with password are NOT shareble...:(((
2) allow us to offer our client all our site feature in their language, understand you can't sell smugmug products world wide like you sell in USA you know! you have to adapt it to a world standard...not everybody who are my client speak English and (most important) want to go through the all photo bying and credit card interface process in english. All Americain compagnies i know who sell their product through internet here (in France) use an french website with a french credict card paiment interface in french in euro (E) currency. i challenge you to go through this and being confortable to put your credit card number on a website in french you don't know nothing about...:)
3) when i order some product through you with BayPhoto because i'm in France - Europe i gone pay allot in "international taxe border" even it's for an smal thing so it will be cool than you do a partnership with a local big LAB like PosterXXL for example or another LAB if you find better, like that Europeen people gone have local LAB price and low price deliveries.
4) You have the most advanced HD video system and feature but we can't sell our vlideo.....what's the POINT, it's very important than you allow us to sell our videos.!
Thank you for your attention, Michael.
Here are some options people are waiting for for a long time i'm pretty sure:
1)Buy and Download password: like that my client can in the same time share publicly with the world their gallery and photos and access download by taping their password just like photoshelter and zenfolio they do.Today at smugmug galleries with password are NOT shareble...:(((
2) allow us to offer our client all our site feature in their language, understand you can't sell smugmug products world wide like you sell in USA you know! you have to adapt it to a world standard...not everybody who are my client speak English and (most important) want to go through the all photo bying and credit card interface process in english. All Americain compagnies i know who sell their product through internet here (in France) use an french website with a french credict card paiment interface in french in euro (E) currency. i challenge you to go through this and being confortable to put your credit card number on a website in french you don't know nothing about...:)
3) when i order some product through you with BayPhoto because i'm in France - Europe i gone pay allot in "international taxe border" even it's for an smal thing so it will be cool than you do a partnership with a local big LAB like PosterXXL for example or another LAB if you find better, like that Europeen people gone have local LAB price and low price deliveries.
4) You have the most advanced HD video system and feature but we can't sell our vlideo.....what's the POINT, it's very important than you allow us to sell our videos.!
Thank you for your attention, Michael.
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