
Anyone had any experience with or their prints? I noticed you can get your photos on stamps (!!) and freaking huge posters (78" x 52" !!) as well as a cafe press type t-shirt thingy.
I'm just wondering if anyone has had any experience with them and their products before I spend the money for an example.
I'm just wondering if anyone has had any experience with them and their products before I spend the money for an example.
dee golden is a zazzler from way back
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I just discovered them a couple of days ago, designed a couple of stamps... but I haven't purchased anything so far!
It's the same price but with photostamps instead of zazzle. I'd prefer to see smugmug there, :-)
This was started not too long ago -- the fact that the U.S. Post Office would even allow this to happen was kind of history breaking!
The price for U.S. Postage Stamps with your own personalized photo on them has been the same.
They tried the program, then stopped the trial. I was happy there was enough interest for them to revive the program. I think it's really kind of neat.
As for the price, being a graphic designer who's worked with printers, I'm not even sure how they manage to do this for this low a cost. One of these days I'm actually going to order one of these. I was thinking it would be great for my holiday stamps, not to just pick one design!