Wolf spider & hello world!

RelicRelic Registered Users Posts: 5 Beginner grinner
edited March 31, 2011 in Holy Macro
Hello macro shooters and readers,
I am a new member from Italy! I love both walking in nature and photography, macrophotography is one of my major interests. I was impressed by so many nice photos here at Holy Macro, and reading the tutorials in this section significantly improved my macro skills so thank you for sharing knowledge!
Now it is time to show you the results of my work in the field, hope you like it :D

Wolf Spider (Lycosidae Pardosa wagleri), body length is about 8 mm
Click here for bigger size

Focus stacking of five shots taken handheld with Pentax K-7, FA 100 Macro f2.8, YN-560 speedlite with cheap diffuser; ISO 100, 1/60s, f/16

*edit: now ID confirmed, it is a Pardosa wagleri.



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