dont want native file name cataloged; all else good
Please see the attached image. I have keyword generation set to be automatic according to file name. That is cool, BUT i don't want the number/letter part of the file name to be cataloged as well. What can a guy do?
I know that I can turn off auto keyword generation, but is there something else I can do?
I know that I can turn off auto keyword generation, but is there something else I can do?

My personal opinion is that smugmug should dump that automatic keywording feature. It does nothing but add junk to their keyword database. They already limit how many keywords a picture can have because apparently keywords create performance issues. How many of your keywords that you want to keep have any meaning? Annual? Edit? Are these words you want people to use to find pictures on your site? Or on google?
Keywording should be done with purpose or else it's a waste.
To answer your question, nope. Smugmug's tool isn't smart enough to separate meaningful keywords from junk. They do try... and in fact disallow some perfectly meainingful keywords from ever being indexed because they are commonly added as junk from filenames. Words like "web." Has that changed, smugmug?
You'll notice that your keyword "IMG" has not been indexed. But there's no way for them to know if you want numerical keywords, which could be years for example, to be indexed. The bulk keywording tool does provide an option to "remove numeric" keywords all at once. But no way to stop them from being created in the first place.