Bug in smart galleries settings - Can't find keywords with accents
There is a bug with the Smart galleries. When I use keywords with accents, for example "Montréal", Smugmug finds no photos. When I use it without the "é", it works. If I save it and come back to the menu, Montréal becomes montru00e9al
Here is a link to the gallery http://www.jonathanhoule.com/Photos/Montréal/11077910_N6Zgd#835466687_Y2dcz
I'm on Internet Explorer
Here is a link to the gallery http://www.jonathanhoule.com/Photos/Montréal/11077910_N6Zgd#835466687_Y2dcz
I'm on Internet Explorer

Sorry about that. It is a known bug and is on our list of things to be fixed.
I cannot give you a time estimate but look for a post on our release notes when that is updated. You can view the release notes here: http://news.smugmug.com/ I would recommend signing up for the RSS feed. Or by leaving a comment, you have the option to be notified by email when a new post is added.