smugmug: Gallery Thumbs - Force Large Size?

DavidJRobertsDavidJRoberts Registered Users Posts: 8 Beginner grinner
edited April 3, 2011 in SmugMug Support
Hello, for reference the site I'm working on (in progress) is

OK, when I have more than 5 galleries in a category, the thumbs for those galleries go down to the small 100px size automatically. Simply put, I would like my gallery thumbs to always be the larger 150px size.

Regular size (150px):
Small and rubbish:

Any ideas on how to force this change?

Bonus answer! How to make them even bigger! It's a visual site, no need for tiny thumbs even if that makes for a long page.

Cheers, David.


  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited March 31, 2011
    The thumb sizes can't be changed using standard smug category and subcategory pages.
    Yes, it can be done with a lot of continued effort. If you look at my site (and click the Gallery navbar entry) you will see that I have increased the size of the thumbs on my site by referencing my own HTML-only galleries instead of the smug-generated category and subcategory pages. That means whenever I add a new gallery (or a new category or subcategory) that I need to also update the corresponding HTML-only gallery. This is not an ideal solution - the right solution is for smug to "fix" their very small presentation of thumbs on category and subcategory pages.
    You can vote for a change at The item is marked as planned, no idea what kind of timeframe is expected. It's only marked as planned, not started, so...

    By the way, do you realize that by hiding the breadcrumb and the album titles on your site your viewers have no idea what galleries they are viewing? See Are you really sure you want to hide the breadcrumb? Think of your viewers!

    --- Denise
  • DavidJRobertsDavidJRoberts Registered Users Posts: 8 Beginner grinner
    edited April 3, 2011
    Thanks Denise, I'll ask my programmers how they would do it and I'll let you know if we get a direct solution without having to create HTML-only pages. I'm positive it can be called out to be changed, I just don't know how! hehe The site may look different from when you viewed it this last week. The breadcrumbs are still gone because I'd only want them on gallery pages but not any other type of page like the category for example. I'm not super concerned about it at this point, i.e. I wont let it stop me from getting it live and out there. Most of my art is a resource to other designers anyway for downloads and they're more savvy. All in good time, the site is around the bottom of my list of ventures.

    Thanks for the input!
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited April 3, 2011
    ...I'll ask my programmers how they would do it and I'll let you know if we get a direct solution without having to create HTML-only pages. I'm positive it can be called out to be changed, I just don't know how! hehe
    I'll be very interested to hear your answer! (I may still be stuck with my html-only pages although I'd dearly love to not need to create them... unfortuately my pages serve two purposes, larger thumbs + a more complex structure than smug currently allows).

    --- Denise
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