5D MKII AF Point Selection when photographing children
I just got my new 5D MKII with an EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II lens today and after going through the manual and playing around with it some, I'm still unsure about autofocus point selection.
I photograph children in a studio setting and outdoors. They don't stay still very well. Previously I was using the center AF point and recomposing. Got a good percentage of out of focus shots.
Did some more googling tonight and now realize that using the center point and recomposing when trying to get a lot of depth of field will result in out of focus shots.
People suggest, as does Canon, to use the focus point closest to where you want to it to focus (i.e. eyes). I know how to switch the focus point, and will definitely attempt to do that more when I have the time, but there often is no time when photographing children. Stop to change the AF point and the shot is long gone.
In the studio I am going to start shooting f/8 - f/11 to try and avoid some of that issue - so in that case will focus/recompose work? This article (http://visual-vacations.com/Photography/focus-recompose_sucks.htm) suggests picking one of the outer focus points if you need to focus/recompose.
What if I am outdoors and want more depth of field to reduce a distracting background? Try an outer AF selection point?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
I photograph children in a studio setting and outdoors. They don't stay still very well. Previously I was using the center AF point and recomposing. Got a good percentage of out of focus shots.
Did some more googling tonight and now realize that using the center point and recomposing when trying to get a lot of depth of field will result in out of focus shots.
People suggest, as does Canon, to use the focus point closest to where you want to it to focus (i.e. eyes). I know how to switch the focus point, and will definitely attempt to do that more when I have the time, but there often is no time when photographing children. Stop to change the AF point and the shot is long gone.
In the studio I am going to start shooting f/8 - f/11 to try and avoid some of that issue - so in that case will focus/recompose work? This article (http://visual-vacations.com/Photography/focus-recompose_sucks.htm) suggests picking one of the outer focus points if you need to focus/recompose.
What if I am outdoors and want more depth of field to reduce a distracting background? Try an outer AF selection point?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
Choosing a focus point closer to the subject's point of desired focus does work but generally you need to direct a series of images.
Let's say you want to shoot in portrait orientation with a specific action-activity-background. Rotate the camera to portrait, set the AF point that will most likely work for the subject and scene, and direct the action accordingly.
Focus, shoot and recompose through cropping can also work using the center AF dot alone. The 5D MKII has enough resolution and image quality that cropping in post is viable. For candids this is often preferable as you don't intend to blow the image up that much.
For "really" hyper kids create 2 areas for play, in which to alternate, and then have your helper keep the kids busy in one place while you set up the second. Position yourself so that when the kids rush your second site they will briefly be in a focus plane with the toys/props you set for the scene. Pre-focus on the props and then call the kids into the scene. It works pretty well until you run out of toys/props.
*Ring ultrasonic focus motors often have proprietary manufacturer names like:
Canon – USM, UltraSonic Motor
Minolta, Sony – SSM, SuperSonic Motor
Nikon – SWM, Silent Wave Motor
Olympus – SWD, Supersonic Wave Drive
Panasonic – XSM, Extra Silent Motor
Pentax – SDM, Silent Drive Motor
Sigma – HSM, Hyper Sonic Motor
Tamron - USD, Ultrasonic Silent Drive
There may also be inexpensive micro-motor variants of the above named lenses that do not allow "full-time manual focus".
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
I know that's not quick enough. I usually keep my point in the center or halfway from the center to the edge. Yes, good point about cropping. That's the beauty of 21.1mp
Keep in mind that I'm using 45-point 1D AF in which I can trust every AF point to be fast and accurate. As far as I know the center point on the 5DII is the only reliable one, at least for action. That's a factor here. I would try a point halfway from the center to edge and see how it does. Let us know if the outer points are really as bad as the Nikon fanboys say they are
Using a 5D II at f8 and 50 mm with the subject 15' from the camera your DOF will be over 6 feet. If your shooting at f8 and 70 mm your DOF will be just shy of 3 feet. Still plenty if your focus point was say 6 or 10 inches in front of the face, or off because of focus recompose. Even better if you can shoot at f11.
Of course once you start shooting at wide open apertures it's a whole different animal.
If you do know what the pose, orientation will be then yes i would use the closest focus point.
I just took the camera out back with the dogs and the kid and took a bunch of shots.. AV, f5.6, auto ISO, focus-recompose using an AF point top middle right, closest to center point. I'll report back with what I found after I look at them
If you're curious, I posted some of the shots. Completely uncooperative son. Figures
Thanks for all the suggestions!
Let me say that there is no one answer. That said, if possible, I would use one of the outside focus points that got me closest to the desired composition, and I would use the f stop that produced the look I was after.
I just completed a shoot of young Chinese dancers at their dance studio with studio lighting. All instructions were given in Chinese. I don't speak Chinese. I had little to no idea if the forth coming pose would be portrait or landscape. Heck I didn't even know half the time when they planed a jump or other movement. They switched from pose to pose very quickly. In this instance I used the center focus point with an aperture f8 to f10. I focused on the center of the dancer or on a hand arm closest to the camera. This allowed me to rotate between vertical and horizontal in a second. Since the children would tend to pose at different distances in relation to the studio lighting I controlled the exposure with the aperture.
When using wide open apertures I pretty much always use the focus point closest to the desired composition. With the 5D II I can also use the center point, shoot a little wide and crop for the composition.
This way you get different compositions but still NAIL the focus. I can get away with a few shots where I see something..move my focal point, compose and snap away..but 70% of the time the kid is gone by then. Stick to one focal point and compose in the viewfinder..not in your head.
14-24 24-70 70-200mm (vr2)
85 and 50 1.4
45 PC and sb910 x2
Thanks so much for all the great advice. I appreciate it!
Yep. If the camera is in AI Servo mode, every point will do continuous focus.