#73 - Rush Choices, C&C

* oops! C&C, Please
This was a hard one for me... these are few I managed to come up. Do any of them say "Rush!" to you?
1. Rainy Rush Hour

**Edited for contrast

2. Rushes (1)

3. Rushes (2)

4. Wait for Me!!

5. Why Walk?
This was a hard one for me... these are few I managed to come up. Do any of them say "Rush!" to you?
1. Rainy Rush Hour

**Edited for contrast

2. Rushes (1)

3. Rushes (2)

4. Wait for Me!!

5. Why Walk?

I was anticipating seeing more "rush hour" entries, so I am happy to see #1 in your mix but it needs a bit more contrast, I think. Would be nice to see the bridge support and car furthest right a bit darker.
I also like your shots of the rushes - both lovely in their own way. If you enter one of these, you might want to tweak the title a bit. Another Kind of Rush, Rushes Reflected, Reflections by the Rushes, or something. The concepts for # 4 and #5 are good but neither one quite says Rush to me. Cropping #4 might help put more emphasis on the action.
Good luck with this!
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A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
Rush Hour... My sister was driving and I knew whatever I got wasn't going to be much on such a dreary day, but I was in Dallas for a doctor appointment anyway, so worth a try. I will try working on the contrast some and see if I can get it looking any better.
#4 - Was taken from across a small lake and is already cropped. The darn things wouldn't come over by me to do it!
Rushes 1 and 2... probably my favorites, but I wasn't sure if they would be seen as "Rush". I'll see if I can play with the diagonal. I think this was a crop of a larger size.
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I went on a road trip last week, from VA to PA...and that means THRU DC, twice, and on 95 for HOURS...and we never ONCE got stuck in a good traffic jam! I had my camera at the ready the whole time!
We got stuck in traffic once... but I didn't think of taking pictures until we were past it.
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I tried working the rushes into a diagonal and that didn't work at all... so I think I am down to deciding between the 2 "Rushes" photos.
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for that subject.
From the photos above I personally like 1b (with more contrast) - If you still have the chance in the last minute,
maybe you can get a little more motion blur...
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Sapphire, Thanks, maybe that is what it is... I think the blahness of the day is what bothers me about the picture, but I guess that works in its own way. Thanks for pointing it out that way.
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6. Color Rush
I really think this could be done better. It's a filter and I'm going to play with. I can see where it could work for certain things.
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A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
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I actually did this with PhotoScape (a freebie program). I just noticed the "Zoom Blur" effect today. It was something I had thought of for this challenge, but that's something I can't do with my point and shoot. It was fun to play with.
As far as the name... It is an Indian Paintbrush,
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It is different for me, so for good or bad, thats it... if nothing else my son's like it.
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Must feel good to have that settled! I like to get input from my sons as well. The "pro" liked the dustpan shot!
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