Contact SmugMug: Email a Hero Send button does not work for me..

This has happed to me for about the third time when I have used the "Contact SmugMug: Email a Hero" and after I type out my message then click send it will not go. So I copy my message and send though my email. Just want to pass it along in case it is a bug. Thanks, Andee
I am using Windows 7 Home Premium on Google Chrome.
I am using Windows 7 Home Premium on Google Chrome.
I will check to make sure it is working. You might want to consider just using the email address for now. I have seen a couple reports like this but cannot replicate the problem. It appears to be a random issue with some browsers. Trying a different browser usually also works.
Thanks Doc. I changed email addresses (And by the way on that I still get updates for the new and old one as it will not stop sending the news tips to both but I just delete the duplicate in the old address.) and Google Chrome is the browser I use for the newer email address.
I will use the email as long as it does not go through.
Thanks again for looking into it! Have a great day!