Lost White Egret!!!
Yesterday I was strolling back from class when I noticed a strange white bird in our campus pond. I got closer and probably let an expletive fly as I realized it was one a wader (didn't know what it was at the time). I was extremely upset with myself for not having a camera. I figured the chances of it being there today were slim to none, migratory season, right? So I noted its legs and beak to ID at home.
Actually pretty easy to ID, white heron and white egret look almost the same from the legs up, but the leg color gives it away. Black legs = white egret. Ok, I ID'ed it, now flip to the back of the book and I'm rather confused to see that the white egret ranges only to the very southernmost parts of New England. And in the fall no less!
I went back this morning and he was still there, which actually makes me wonder if he's ok. He posed for me for a while, chased a few ducks, lots of people took notice of him too.

So if any of you bird lovers know more than me, I'd love to hear it. I really hope he's not lost or somehow hurt, because by my short research, he really doesn't belong here. Hopefully I'm wrong.
Actually pretty easy to ID, white heron and white egret look almost the same from the legs up, but the leg color gives it away. Black legs = white egret. Ok, I ID'ed it, now flip to the back of the book and I'm rather confused to see that the white egret ranges only to the very southernmost parts of New England. And in the fall no less!
I went back this morning and he was still there, which actually makes me wonder if he's ok. He posed for me for a while, chased a few ducks, lots of people took notice of him too.

So if any of you bird lovers know more than me, I'd love to hear it. I really hope he's not lost or somehow hurt, because by my short research, he really doesn't belong here. Hopefully I'm wrong.
Since 2004...
http://behret.smugmug.com/ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
**in best Eastern/Bostonian accent**
Ya take dis burd to the bah for a beeya and a hand of cods.......then put him in ya cah and drive him fah fah away. You could hop on your haws and ride 'em bahya back to Flawidha.
"Osprey Whisperer"
BTW, is he a white or great egret? I just saw your thread on reflections and saw many of the same bird that you referred to as great egrets.
http://behret.smugmug.com/ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
that is in fact what my Audobon book said, I had just forgotten when I posted. i was mainly fixated on the differentiation between the Great White Egret and the White Heron. (is he great too?
I would guess that for the people who named the bird, white was assumed.
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http://behret.smugmug.com/ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
I am going to have to spring for a book called birds of the WORLD pretty soon, I am getting birds that I only know of because Harry or Ben have had them.
Maybe we will get a flamingo next. Though I have never seen a wild one outside of Florida, with this Global warming, who knows.
Good capture.
ginger (What white Heron?)
So are you taking your camera to school everyday now?
Murphy's law, one day I forget my camera was the day I saw something really worthwhile to shoot. Luckily, my hefty sum was enough to keep him here that extra day.
this is why i stay in new york. you're telling me that they're gonna run out of food supply :yikes
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Hope to go back with my good glass today to get some up close and personal shots.