Managerism of the month.

Ok this one is golden...
One of our office ladies had to go in for a test to see if she had cancer of the cervix.
The insurance company just called and had a question about where the test was performed (IE what facility).
The pirate (office managers new nick name) goes into her office and says:
"the insurance company is on the line and wants to know where you had your cervical test at. That was what in your ovaries right..."
Now anyone who knows the basics of anatomy will see the humor here.
One of our office ladies had to go in for a test to see if she had cancer of the cervix.
The insurance company just called and had a question about where the test was performed (IE what facility).
The pirate (office managers new nick name) goes into her office and says:
"the insurance company is on the line and wants to know where you had your cervical test at. That was what in your ovaries right..."
Now anyone who knows the basics of anatomy will see the humor here.
Everyone Has A Photographic Memory. Some Just Do Not Have Film.
this woman is dumber than a post, isn't she?
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"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
While discussing less than average IQs, here's a story for you:
While picking something up from an office, I met their new receptionist. She is young, blonde eye candy. She meticulously addresses an envelope, attaches postage, and discovers she has done so on upside down - so the opening part of the envelope is down. She scrunches it and pitches it. Then tells me that "last week, I addressed the first envelopes I ever have. Teehee. I put our own address in the middle. TeeHee. So we got all of our own mail back. TeeHee" I am standing there and all I can think is "how is it she is employed and I am not?"
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Unfortunately, the answer to your question is in your description of her. But I guess you knew that
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(see my avitar-picture-thing, to the left)
my words, my "pro"pictures, my "fun" pictures, my videos.
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso
Since I'm not a native English speaker, and my Latin sucks, too, I don't know this word
Here's what M-W says: I think #2 is kinda close to what she suggested, neh?
Just curious..
I once had a boss who returned some documents to me that I had done for her, asking why she hadn't got a water mark in the middle of the paper like a letter that she had received from someone else. I tried to explain that she needed to get me some w'marked paper and I could print new copies off. She pointed to the computer and said I obviously needed more training on the thing!
We also had an admin girl at our H/O who asked me whether I preferred my newsletter's stapled to the left, central or to the right.....another loon! How these people get where they get is beyond me.
Okay, here's my manager story from about 25 years ago:
The boss gets in a car accident. He's okay but his face hit the windshield and he broke his nose. Doctor says he needed surgery on his nose - he had a problem with a deviated nasal septum (remember that specific body part for future reference).
Now, there's also this sales manager, Jerome, working for the company, and I can't stand the guy. Pompous, loud, arrogant, bully, and all around evil dude - I'm the young new employee and somewhat scared of him. And his office is right next to mine. And because of the volume of his voice, I can't help but eavesdrop on his conversations.
One afternoon, while the boss is home recovering from the surgery, I hear Jerome loudly talking on the phone to a very, very important client. The conversation goes something like this: "Yeah, I've been real busy keeping things under control around here. You know, Mike (boss), was in the hospital. Yeah, he had to get that deviated scrotum of his fixed. The doctor says it'll help him breathe better . . .".
I nearly fell off my chair when I heard his explanation of the boss's medical condition. I never looked at Jerome the same way again.
There is justice in life!
I knew, of course, that trees and plants had roots, stems, bark, branches and foliage that reached up toward the light. But I was coming to realize that the real magician was light itself.
Edward Steichen
It's like the difference between the gas tank and a fuel injector on your car. Two completely different things which while related are still not something that can be easily confused.