first water drop...
Be gentle this was my first time trying to do the whole water drop thing and i have some questions, first how can i use auto focus because i do not have the best of eyes and how does everyone get the whole thing in focus...thanks
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Assume you are using flash, camera in manual and on a tripod. with remote ?
Try using a smaller aperture for more DOF eg F16- F22 on a Nikon as well as a lower shooting angle.
Most people rig up a drip system so it falls in the same place. This then means you can put something like a cocktail stick across the container where the drops are hitting and then prefocus on this with the lens in MF and then leave the focus alone - obviously remove the stick when doing the shots.
Brian V.
The lower angle is useful, too...the drops are pretty much vertical, and if you have a high PoV, then you will be needing a greater DoF...
I've been looking at some tutorials on this, and they usually crop in pp for dof, and they use a high contrast pen tip to prefocus.
i've seen a commercial for a new bottled water additive that comes in cool colors, and looks heavier than water, planning on trying to find some and have a go using that for my drops. will let you know what the product is if i find it.
good start, i hope mine come out as good.
It's not what you look at that matters: Its what you see!