The OTHER So Cal sun rays :-(

Only a few days ago I was admiring beautiful sun rays shining through the clouds

Today I have a bit more grim reason to share some other sun rays - fire is getting close to our homes:-(

Our hopes are with these guys now:

The rest from this morning:

Today I have a bit more grim reason to share some other sun rays - fire is getting close to our homes:-(

Our hopes are with these guys now:

The rest from this morning:
"May the f/stop be with you!"
You guys doing OK? Pretty smokey out in T.O., eh?
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I dropped my youngest off the school and decided to "explore" a bit. Most of the pics were taken from the Lang Ranch Pkway and Alberson Fire Rd. I was lucky enough to get in early - when I was pulling off, the whole Westlake Blvd was closed..
So far so good. It was relatively quiet windwise, but weatherman keeps telling that it will be a hot (100) windy (30mph) day..
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
I will!
I hope your house is spared!
Nice (if you want to call it that) series of a terrifying yearly event. What many people don't realize is that when the fire reaches the gullies and burns the poison oak, it can be life threatening to those that are allergic to it. Poison Oak is very prevalent in the gullies along the hillsides; not a good thing.
Stay safe and hope noone gets hurt or loses any property,
A picture is but words to the eyes.
Comments are always welcome.
Yeah, that poison oak/ivy is a threat of its own.
Many of us here alreayd had troubles breathing..
Hopefully they will keep it contained and don't let it swallaw any lives/houses..
Wind is also relatively quiet - no gusts yet..
Nearly every wildland firefighter has similar stories and yet if called upon we would not hesitate to do it again, its very rewarding and I'd be there today if called upon.
I hope I didnt hijack this thread, but the photos Nik posted I felt it was an excellent time to detail a "A Day Of A Wildland Firefighter" from first hand experience. Ya'll stay safe out there and if you are thinking of Building a house in the mountains, Please provide defenseable space around the house/property for fire fighters who will at some point need it to save your house and possibly lives.
Canon 1D MkIIN, Canon 50D, Canon 300 f/2.8L, Canon 70-200 f/2.8L, Canon 24-70 f/2.8L, Canon 85 f/1.8, Canon 1.4 Extender,
Canon 580 & 420 Flash, Pocket Wizards,
Alien Bee 800, Other misc stuff
Disraeli Photography
"Only when the last tree has died, the last river poisoned, and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money" Cree Indian Proverb
We're honored to have you here at dgrin!
Not many people's professions include a fair possibility of (a very painful) death as "an occupatinoal hazard". Rest assured you job is one of the most respected in the country!
I bet if you only could afford to be a "lil distracted" in the line of duty, having a simple P&S in your back pocket would allow for the shots none of us would never be able to get, even with the most powerful optics.
Because that's what "being in the line of fire" is all about!
If you ever down here in SoCal, make sure to call and we have some
Nik, good journalistic photographs here. I also think you did a good job showing the red sun and relating that to the fire.
Thnaks a lot!
I wish I had a better lens (USM + IS). I missed a few good shots simply because I could not focus fast enough, especially on the choppers... And shooting 300mm (with 20D's 1.6 crop factor it becomes 420mm) handheld w/o IS was also a big issue, so quite some of the shots got a bit mushy..
Anyway, what's been taken has been taken:-)
Glad you like it!
You don't say.. If only that rain we had on Monday actually went on like yeasterday..
Anyway, the situation is improving, no more properties are in danger anymore. It is still smoking hard though..