Just call me toothless
We have our own jack-o-lantern. Samantha's baby teeth are falling out fast and furious. Four teeth in the last two weeks! Tonight her second large incisor popped out and went down the drain while brushing. After I rescued the tooth with my pipe wrench and wiped away the tears, she said, "Just call me Toothless.":lust
Great too that Dad was johnny on the spot to rescue the tooth from the trap!!!!
Love those eyes!!!
18 - 55 kit lens
55- 200 VR kit lens
Lots of desires
Thanks, Trudy. I think most 6 year olds view that drain in the sink as some sort of black hole where things are lost forever. She was shocked and thrilled once I rescued the tooth from the trap under the sink!
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Great image Mitch!
Natural selection is responsible for every living thing that exists.
D3s, D500, D5300, and way more glass than the wife knows about.