
Minolta 5D

JesmolJesmol Registered Users Posts: 52 Big grins
edited October 10, 2005 in Cameras
Anybody else out there got a KM 5D ???? I just bought mine a couple of weeks ago, and am still getting on top of it.

Any tips on getting the best out of them ?

and this is the reason why I wanted to get a better camera.:D


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    erich6erich6 Registered Users Posts: 1,638 Major grins
    edited September 30, 2005
    That's a great reason.... I've used that before to rationalize the camera as well. mwink.gif

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    BrettGBrettG Registered Users Posts: 120 Major grins
    edited September 30, 2005
    I assume you know about the dpreview KM DSLR forum? Lots of 5D owners there.
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    RogerRoger Registered Users Posts: 48 Big grins
    edited October 10, 2005
    I also am a new owner of one, but already used Minolta's classic SLRs....
    I always shoot RAW (like I already did with Dimage 7Hi) to get the best out of the pics, so most of the rest are tips that also apply to non-digital photography.
    I am very positively impressed with it, especially for the 'all-lenses' integrated Anti-shake feature, excellent pic quality, great number of features with easy access and low-battery comsuption (the 7Hi ate them!).

    Feel free ask if there is anything specific you would like to know!

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