
This wasn't my original idea, but sometimes you are handed a little gift and have to go with it.
As an aside, dont' you find Kubrick type senarios all around you now?
I'm becoming obsessed.
If this sends me over the edge, Sean I'm blaming you;)

As an aside, dont' you find Kubrick type senarios all around you now?
I'm becoming obsessed.
If this sends me over the edge, Sean I'm blaming you;)

Liz A.
Photo Of The Day & My SmugMug Gallery
Canon 7D and not enough L glass....
This is my plan b image.
I still intend to shoot the image that's in my head, but this is a just in case.
FWIW--I really like the bw for the fright factor--I was going for the blue color on the other that is present in many of Kubrick's films, but I'm definately not nailing it.