20D: Parameters, Bracketing and RAW Files
Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 20,000 moderator
Basic question: do parameter settings (sharpness, contrast, saturation, etc.) and/or automatic bracketing affect the RAW file or only the JPG?
I am about to make the transition from a P&S to a 20D. :clap I will get the new camera while I am traveling and am trying to figure out how I should use it on the trip. I know I have a lot to learn about both the camera and RAW post-processing. At the same time, I want my first pics to be as good as possible.
I am thinking that if I shoot in RAW + JPG I can just look at the JPGs as I go and worry about the PP from RAW later. As long as I had the focus and metering correct, I could deal with the rest in conversion. Is this correct? :dunno
I am about to make the transition from a P&S to a 20D. :clap I will get the new camera while I am traveling and am trying to figure out how I should use it on the trip. I know I have a lot to learn about both the camera and RAW post-processing. At the same time, I want my first pics to be as good as possible.
I am thinking that if I shoot in RAW + JPG I can just look at the JPGs as I go and worry about the PP from RAW later. As long as I had the focus and metering correct, I could deal with the rest in conversion. Is this correct? :dunno
Good luck and enjoy your new cam
Cincinnati Smug Leader
good luck!
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good point. and if you use adobe cs2, with adobe bridge, it really handles previews really really well on the raw files.
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Thanks to all for the information.
Actually, it depends on the converter you use. The parameter settings are stored in the raw file. Canon's software will use this information as the default value during conversion. You can change any of those four values manually before conversion if you wish.
Raw converters not written by Canon don't do this, which is why people usually say the parameters have no effect on raw files, which is only about 99% correct.
If you shoot RAW+JPG so that you have previews I would probably suggest not using large-fine JPG but rather a smaller file format. You'll eat cards fast. The other thing is if your exposure and white balance are pretty darn close when you click the shutter, 20D in-camera JPGs are amazingly good and stand up real well to editing. I feel there is no reason to shoot a 20D in RAW for all shots and all circumstances. I only shoot RAW during difficult conditions or in new scenarios.
A former sports shooter
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Just to clarify one point, if I shoot in RAW + JPG and use automatic exposure bracketing, does the camera produce one RAW and three JPG files or three of each?
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
Then why does the RAW converter (PS or Capture One) say "As Shot" for white balance? Is that the only parameter they pay attention to? I shoot all RAW, never mess with parameters save maybe WB, so I'm curious and a little ignorant.
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If you do bracketing - don't forget that RAW itself allows you to adjust exposure at least for one f/stop. So if you were thinking in terms of bracketing exposure +/- 1, a single RAW file will serve this purpose perfectly, all you'd have to do is to play with exposure in post.
It may be still viable to do bracketing in RAW, in which case you need to adjust your exposure in much wider scale.
Also - remember that bracketing exposure with aperture is *wrong*, since it effectively changes your focal distance. The Good Book says: if you shooting with flash, bracket by the flash "power"; if you bracketing with the available light - bracket by shutter speed.
I know the "auto" bracketing does not allow this, so you have to go full manual. AND you need to have a rock-solid tripod to be be able to change the parameters w/o slightest move, otherwise you'd have to align them later, which can be painfully tedious job.
However, new HDR (from CS2) can do decent auto-aligning, so maybe it's not that bad.
With my tiny little experience with RAW, I found out that in most cases RAW replaces the need for the bracketing very effectively. However, sometimes you have both very bright and very dark areas (I clearly remember Shay manually bracketing for his morning shots of El Capitan:-), but that's the HDR playground anyways...