SmugMug support

It seems that the Dgrin forums are the new Smug mug support system. I submit support request and I am directed to post here:scratch:scratch
It used to be I could get more answers from the smugmug help desk:dunno
It used to be I could get more answers from the smugmug help desk:dunno
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We handle thousands and thousands of support requests every day, 365 days a year, via our help desk, but some things (like customizing) are much better suited for the forum here.
Does this help explain things better?
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So thats a yes
and Eric told me to post to the forum.
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Yes, for the type of help you are asking for, it's customizing and we do it via the forum - with dedicated, assigned SmugMug Support Hero and the amazing help the community gives.
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I'm really sorry that you had to solve that one yourself
DGrin is a community forum - nearly everything we do, support-wise, is provided from the help desk.
I've asked Lindy to reply with some other ideas we have (from another Smugger who's done something cool), with regard to that ticket.
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I had you and another support person ask for examples in that thread and heard nothing. I spent well over 4-6 hours searching for answers them my first ticket request the response was post to dgrin with instruction on how to join.
In the past it seemed like you could get better answers.
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Hi Dennis, I personally gave Lindy an example to show you, from another SmugMug site that you might find of interest. Thanks.
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I sent this your way, via email, but thought it might be helpful to you, here, as well. I'll just toss the basics here. There's more in your email.
We have another user who has customized his events, so that it does appear as a Lightbox option. Take a look at this user's events page:
While you will still need to create the events, this might be more like what you want to do.
Hope it helps!
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Hey Dennis, I'm really sorry - it's not our norm (as many here will attest to). We'll make sure we do better and faster next time for you. If you want to discuss personally, just let me know, ATTN: Andy at our help desk. Thanks again.
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I had said that the events I created did not follow my color scheme, you asked for examples I posted them-no response from you another support person posted they look fine and posted links to my site which showed the difference between my event pages and my gallery colors I posted screen shots to show the difference-No response.
I then figured out how to add code to make them follow the same color scheme, I posted that I fixed it myself.
Now you have Lindy contact me with a possible solution After I said I solved it myself. The only reason I am still with smug mug is I put a lot of work into customizing my site maybe too much. Yes the forums are great at helping, but I did not pay my money to the forum. You encourage customizing our sites but we have to spend time searching for solutions.
My Day job is in computer support and we do not say sorry we can not help, go search the forum we provide solutions.
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