Background opinions needed
I have a shoot tomorrow and was experimenting with a possible outdoor spot to use. It's headshots, so I can't let it look too "senior portrait"-ish, but I do like the way I can use light in this corner of the yard, and the client is a redhead so the colouring could be really cool if I light it right.
This was unlit, FWIW - just late on an overcast day ("God's softbox" or what?!) Mini-D at the end of a long school day - not exactly at her most sparkling :rofl (And yes, it's slightly soft - my fault as it's camera shake. I swear I could get camera shake at 1/8000 :rolleyes)
Do you look at it and think "deck rails", or did the 135 bokeh crush it down to "nothing in particular"?
Thanks for opinions!
This was unlit, FWIW - just late on an overcast day ("God's softbox" or what?!) Mini-D at the end of a long school day - not exactly at her most sparkling :rofl (And yes, it's slightly soft - my fault as it's camera shake. I swear I could get camera shake at 1/8000 :rolleyes)
Do you look at it and think "deck rails", or did the 135 bokeh crush it down to "nothing in particular"?
Thanks for opinions!
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It almost looks curved to my eye. I think it will work great with your redhead.
Comments and constructive criticism always welcome.
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Re this image itself, it's exquisite, but for two things IMO, ie there is a blue cast in the whites of the eyes (R:189 G:193 B:202 in the centre of inner eye white R), and other very white areas (eg scalp), and second it could be improved by a very slight use of usm (approx 10-15 @ 40-60). Adjust histogram afterwards.
It is about how that thing looks photographed." Garry Winogrand
Avatar credit: photograph by Duane Michals- picture of me, 'Smash Palace' album