Missing Birds

OK...which one of you "Blues Brothers" took all my birds? :dunno I've been out and about looking for birds. I jumped on the old bike and rode down to the inter-coastal waterway, the beach and even the jetty. NO BIRDS!!!:uhoh :uhoh :cry
I'm kind of worried that "red tide" (neurotoxin algae) has killed off too much food and the birds have moved out of the area. We are having one of the worst bouts with "red tide" in years. It's killed the most wildlife on record. Even taking the lives of large sea turtles, manatees and dolphins. :cry :cry There are so many dead fish on the beaches it stinks..and no tourists are even there. It's DEAD!!! This is very sad. I did not see a single water bird or raptor ANYWHERE. I've been skunked for the last few days. This is unheard of. I've had more birds in my backyard. Anyone on the gulf coast of Florida experiencing this disaster? I'm near Sarasota/Venice. I have never seen such a lack of wildlife out and about. SCARY!!!
You guys send my birds back and take this darn "red tide" away.
I guess since this is a photo forum...I better post a picture of a bird. From a previous shoot.
I'm kind of worried that "red tide" (neurotoxin algae) has killed off too much food and the birds have moved out of the area. We are having one of the worst bouts with "red tide" in years. It's killed the most wildlife on record. Even taking the lives of large sea turtles, manatees and dolphins. :cry :cry There are so many dead fish on the beaches it stinks..and no tourists are even there. It's DEAD!!! This is very sad. I did not see a single water bird or raptor ANYWHERE. I've been skunked for the last few days. This is unheard of. I've had more birds in my backyard. Anyone on the gulf coast of Florida experiencing this disaster? I'm near Sarasota/Venice. I have never seen such a lack of wildlife out and about. SCARY!!!
You guys send my birds back and take this darn "red tide" away.
I guess since this is a photo forum...I better post a picture of a bird. From a previous shoot.
I think it was DoctorIT.
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That red tide has been a problem down my way also. I've been looking at your pics and at mine own and Ben's and Jeff's. Very frequently you will see our birds eating something, in your shots nada. That's why you can't find any birds you don't feed them!!!!
They are all flocking down to me because they can count on a decent meal.
http://behret.smugmug.com/ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Ha...... someone needs some new glasses me thinks.
Hey Jeff........I'm curious...you having those birds for dinner..or "to" dinner?
"Osprey Whisperer"
Your birds are gone, Oh my what a shame
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