attn baby shooters.. need edit critique please!
just trying to figure out PS elements so i revisited an older shot of my babe. always used LR2 before.
this is all manual, no actions
please cc my skin smoothing, sharpening, and skin color. thanks!!
any tips & tricks to share regarding any of these please share also.
straight out of camera, from RAW
this is all manual, no actions
please cc my skin smoothing, sharpening, and skin color. thanks!!
any tips & tricks to share regarding any of these please share also.
straight out of camera, from RAW
When viewing through FireFox the first image seems to have to much magenta. The second slightly on the yellow side.
When viewed in Photoshop the second skin color looks pretty good to me.
I wonder whats up?
There's an extension here for enabling it: Color Management Add-on
Edit: And here's a blog post with better information on Firefox's treatment of color profiles.
Sam- yeah its weird because on here i doubted it for a moment, thinking it was a little warmer than I thought, but it's still up in PS and looks fine also. And i'm using firefox right now
lanaer thanks for the info!
It looks great to me! One little nit: I would exposure brush some of the shadows between his hand and his face just so they're not quite so dark, maybe not even a quarter of a stop. Just me - it's "sellable" as it is, though.
He's just so stinkin' sweet!
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