DSS #74 - One to Submit and One for Fun

This was a tough challenge for me. I've seen lots of Kubrick films, but 2001 was the first one (and a special experience at the Cinerama Dome in Hollywood when i the film first came out)! So with Sherstones's comments about primary and secondary colors in mind... and the a new realization that avoiding the name of the challenge in the title of the photo may avoid controversy - I'm ready to give it go for DSS #74. As always, comments and critique are always appreciated.
Dreaming Wide Awake

And just for fun, here's another quick idea I had that was going to be titled, "I'm sorry, billseye, I'm afraid I can't do that."
Dreaming Wide Awake

And just for fun, here's another quick idea I had that was going to be titled, "I'm sorry, billseye, I'm afraid I can't do that."

Love it!
I don't even begin to understand how you did this, but I really like the final result---bravo!
I think it was a challenge for all of us! Glad to see it really pushed you.
My Smugmug Photos
D90 + D50 Sigma 17-70mm f2.8-4 DC Macro OS HSM
Nikon 55-300 mm f4.5-5.6G ED DX AF-S VR
Landscapes, Sport and Buildings are my bag.
Chris White Cheltenham England