I've been getting into off camera, high speed sync, flash photography. Here is one shot taken today with a bare flash taken during noon. Thanks for looking!
Looks good for a noon shot. The flash is pretty harsh, if the light were softer it would be even better.
Crop half of the flowers off the bottom and you are there.
Nice shot.
Looks good for a noon shot. The flash is pretty harsh, if the light were softer it would be even better.
Crop half of the flowers off the bottom and you are there.
Nice shot.
Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, I know the light is harsh. I actually set the flash in an umbrella, but the umbrella killed the light and I wasn't getting good results. Going forward I plan on shooting such pics morning or afternoon (not noon time as I did, when it is really hard to kill the ambient light). Additionally, I plan on combining two or three flashes to get a couple more stops of light. That way I can use the umbrella too.
Crop half of the flowers off the bottom and you are there.
Nice shot.
Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, I know the light is harsh. I actually set the flash in an umbrella, but the umbrella killed the light and I wasn't getting good results. Going forward I plan on shooting such pics morning or afternoon (not noon time as I did, when it is really hard to kill the ambient light). Additionally, I plan on combining two or three flashes to get a couple more stops of light. That way I can use the umbrella too.
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