Post fires hike

Went for hike with my wife today in an area near where the fires were.
Here we are starting out

Here was our first view of the fire area:

We got closer:

On the way out we saw how appreciative the neighborhood was for all the heroic efforts of the firefighters:
Here we are starting out

Here was our first view of the fire area:

We got closer:

On the way out we saw how appreciative the neighborhood was for all the heroic efforts of the firefighters:

How far back did you guys go? My boys and I like to take the Chumash trail all the way back and catch salamanders.
Disraeli Photography
"Only when the last tree has died, the last river poisoned, and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money" Cree Indian Proverb
We started up at the top of Westlake Blvd. and hiked up and around and ended up on the road that runs behind the Chumash center there, the one that goes by the park. We then hoofed it back through the neighborhood to our car up the hill.
I'd love to hear more of what you know of the area. My wife (mostly Scottish) was on the board of the Chumash center for a year. Interesting.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops devastating as it is for human''s natures way of renewing.
It's been going on since the prehistoric era.
You got back there in 2yrs and you'll be amazed at the new growth it yields!!
Manfrotto Mono | Bag- LowePro Slingshot 100AW
I love that 1st shot with the shadows, but the shots showing the burned and non-burned areas are really good.
Bravo to firefighters everywhere!
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