My kids in B&W - C&C please

My mom has 8x10 b&w photos of me with my older sister, and then my sister's two kids at roughly the same ages. My kids are now the appropriate ages, and she has requested a photo to round out the set. I got a photo I am quite happy with today, but am working on the b&w conversion. It's not something I've done much of, and while I've read several articles on the topic, I'm not all that sure of what I'm doing yet, so I'd love some feedback.

Note - I use LR3. I have PS5 but it intimidates the crud out of me, so much so that I've almost never even opened it. Someday I will open and start to learn it with less fear, but that day is not today. So if possible, please keep any suggestions to things that can be handled in LR3.

Note - I use LR3. I have PS5 but it intimidates the crud out of me, so much so that I've almost never even opened it. Someday I will open and start to learn it with less fear, but that day is not today. So if possible, please keep any suggestions to things that can be handled in LR3.
LR does some terrific conversions, so you can be spared CS5 for a little while longer, but do jump in and give it a try - you may be pleasantly surprised
Anyway, in the meantime... pix? Nothing showing.
ETA: showing now.
To me, that's just too dark - skintones seem muddy. Try the all colours to zero and see what that looks like; boost brightness/exposure/blacks a bit. Sometimes playing with the white balance once it's in BW can lead to some interesting results.
Overwhelming is exactly what I mean. I bought CS5 just before I finished grad school so I could qualify for the Education price, knowing I'd use it "someday." But the (admittedly small) handful of times I've opened it, I've just stared at the screen with no idea of how to even start. With LR I at least could figure out the basic workflow, but in PS I felt like I didn't even know how to open a file. I know it's incredibly powerful and do look forward to learning it, but haven't had the time to devote to getting started.
"Fear" was probably the wrong word to use, I just feel like to get me started I need a "do this, then this" kind of tutorial and/or book, and I know they're out there. The problem is just that I seldom have two minutes to rub together until late at night when I'm exhausted, and I'd prefer to use my minutes of spare time with the camera in front of my face, rather than the computer. I'll get there. I'm not truly scared of it, it's just that I know it will take some time commitment to get started, and I don't have much of that luxury at the moment.
Thanks! I'll give that a try. Honestly I haven't even thought of setting the colors to 0, I just hit the B&W button and then adjust the colors starting from the default values LR gives me. I did boost exposure and blacks until I started seeing a little bit of clipping on each end, but then it looked too bright to me, so I actually lowered brightness some.
I'll play around with it more and try to lighten it up and improve the skin tones. Thanks for the suggestions!
VayCayMom - thanks for the comments as well. I know LR can do more than I am familiar with as well, but I'd like to think I'm learning!
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Do also google for lightroom bw presets - there are zillions out there, many of which are free. I have LOADS of them and often work down my entire bw preset folder to see if there's something there I like. Again, that "bw dependable" from Wonderland is one of my favorites, and I also like some of the PH sets (Phil something - can't remember his name, but all the presets have PH in front of them - somebody help me out here?).
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