HEADS UP! New Direct Image URLs on SmugMug

Hi, a few days ago, we launched new image URLs live on the site.
First of all, our apologies for not getting some advance notice on this out to you folks that have really advanced customization hacks and have apps that formulate URLs.
You can read about the URL changes here: http://smu.gs/eFhoRq on The SmugMug Blog. I'm also going to repeat the info right here, for convenience.
We’ve rearranged your direct image URLs so that your filenames get tacked on to the end of every direct image link. This means your images will be more user- and SEO-friendly, but no less secure than before. As long as you remember to give your files descriptive names, you won’t need to do anything to get a little extra Google Juice.
New direct-image URLs will look like this now:
This will also be the link that you're given by SmugMug if you use Share>Get A Link, so this change will be transparent to most everyone. If you have an app, or if you're used to changing URLs manually (like manipulating a -Ti to a -L for example, by hand), then you'll need to adjust to change the size in two places: in the above example, you'd change the X2 to say, L, in both places in the URL. Again, if you use Share button>Get a Link, we do this automatically for you.
Custom sizes work the same way, the custom size should be put into both places. More is explained on our help page, with examples, here.
What about my old links that I've embedded in my blog, or on a forum? They will continue to work as always. And you can manipulate an old URL the same way as you always have.
In your example URL, there's i-WXsfbrn - what the heck is that? This is the new imageKey. It is two characters longer than the old imageKey. We now don't show the imageID in the URL.
Please ask any questions here and I'll make sure to update the FAQs in post #1 (this posting).
First of all, our apologies for not getting some advance notice on this out to you folks that have really advanced customization hacks and have apps that formulate URLs.
You can read about the URL changes here: http://smu.gs/eFhoRq on The SmugMug Blog. I'm also going to repeat the info right here, for convenience.
We’ve rearranged your direct image URLs so that your filenames get tacked on to the end of every direct image link. This means your images will be more user- and SEO-friendly, but no less secure than before. As long as you remember to give your files descriptive names, you won’t need to do anything to get a little extra Google Juice.
New direct-image URLs will look like this now:
This will also be the link that you're given by SmugMug if you use Share>Get A Link, so this change will be transparent to most everyone. If you have an app, or if you're used to changing URLs manually (like manipulating a -Ti to a -L for example, by hand), then you'll need to adjust to change the size in two places: in the above example, you'd change the X2 to say, L, in both places in the URL. Again, if you use Share button>Get a Link, we do this automatically for you.
Custom sizes work the same way, the custom size should be put into both places. More is explained on our help page, with examples, here.
What about my old links that I've embedded in my blog, or on a forum? They will continue to work as always. And you can manipulate an old URL the same way as you always have.
In your example URL, there's i-WXsfbrn - what the heck is that? This is the new imageKey. It is two characters longer than the old imageKey. We now don't show the imageID in the URL.
Please ask any questions here and I'll make sure to update the FAQs in post #1 (this posting).
I'd say the second parameter was information only, to tag the filename with the size, It's not honoured by your system.
Cheers, N
http://www.nzsnaps.com (talkiet.smugmug.com)
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As a test, I've edited the second size parameter of a recent image and it still loads ok:
http://beardedgit.smugmug.com/Fellwalking/Day-Walks/YHA-Borrowdale-April-2011/i-pxD7Qzx/0/L/borrow003copy-you can put almost whatever you want here and it still loads the size dictated by the first size parameter so please tell us what this second size parameter actually does thanks in advance.jpg
I'm also really bummed that NOBODY at smugmug HQ was clued in that a BIG architectural change like this might have customization ramifications. Not only is that a fail, but it scares the heck out of me for the implications of future changes. This should have been OBVIOUS that this might affect some customizations. This isn't a subtle change. Nobody even thought to ask people who are responsible for a lot of customizations. It definitely feels like people who customize their site are not even on the developer's radar because this should have been a no-brainer change to give people advance notice about and one short blog post would have been all it took to allow people to prepare. Please whack a couple people across the head and make sure that these types of changes don't come streaming out again with no advance notice, no time to assess and prepare and no documentation when they do arrive. This seems like such a no-brainer to consider the impact on customizations that I'm wondering if there isn't any intent at HQ to let customizers prepare for significant changes.
I also asked you a question in another thread about "future changes to gallery URLs" which was mentioned in the blog post which could definitely break other customizations (like my custom slideshow) and apps that use the API. Is something coming down the pipe there that may break other customizations?
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We recommend you change your hack or app to change the url in both places.
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This is the new imageKey. It is two characters longer than the old imageKey. We now don't show the imageID in the URL.
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Yes it will - but we recommend changing it in both places. Or just use our Share>Get A Link and we'll do it automatically for you.
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You can, if you want to make a gallery unlisted, or even hide owner.
Public Gallery:
Unlisted Gallery:
Hide Owner Gallery:
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But why can't we with a public gallery?
You've been one of the biggest advocates for us to improve SEO - this is one of the things we're doing to achieve that for you
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Since the old URLs are still working, I don't understand why we don't have the option to do without nicenames. I'd rather deal with one set of URLs that don't change when I move photos or galleries.
Feel free to keep using the old form of the URLs if you want. It still works. You don't have to switch unless you want better SEO.
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NiceNames are a piece of #^$$# when you have to shorten them to fit the
character length limit.
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link. So you're saying Google with look up the referral on every one of those?
And how does it know it's a referral? Did Smug register the basic link with
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Twitter isn't exactly an exemple when it comes to SEO. URLs without keywords have been around forever and it never stopped sites from being well ranked. One thing Google likes is stability and the old URL form provided that. It was a huge selling point for me. With the nicenames, every time one moves a photo or gallery, Google has to find it again. That's really bad.
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The ONE piece of information that is unambiguously associated with an image are the words in the URL since that URL belongs uniquely to that image. I don't manually rename my images either (I have date codes in the filename for date sorting), but having my category, sub-category and gallery name in the URL is useful for putting my images in the right part of Google's index. Before this change, none of those words were in the image URL. Now, if Google finds my image in a blog or on a forum, it will know more about it than it did before. It remains to be seen how much this will help Google Image search, but since it's been historically bad on Smugmug, I think lots of folks are glad that Smugmug is trying to address it.
I doubt that any of this has much to do with the regular Google web page search since Google has lots of stuff to go on there that in the web page itself (including keywords and captions and category and sub-category names already) so these changes probably don't make much (if any) difference there.
These changes are mostly about Google Image search. If you don't care about Google Image search, then you'll just have to learn when to do something different with the new URL style and move on. If you do care about Google Image search, then hopefully this will help get better search results when searching for images that are on Smugmug somewhere. Time will tell how much it helps.
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Also thought the filename was going to automatically appear on SM URL and it would be retrospective :nono
Canon 5D Mark III
I'm not so sure that that underlined bit applies to all of us...
The image-link format for my pics uploaded pre-Saturday was:
Domain / category / subcategory / gallery name / filename / SM-generated code - size - revision (if > 0) . file extension
For example: http://beardedgit.smugmug.com/Astronomy/My-Astropics/Lunar-pics/1222524039bigmoonk3v2reg/1222524039_hkF7k-X3-1.jpg
The image-link format for one of my pics uploaded post-Saturday is:
Domain / category / subcategory / gallery name / SM-generated code / revision / size / filename - size . file extension
For example: http://beardedgit.smugmug.com/Fellwalking/Day-Walks/YHA-Borrowdale-April-2011/i-pxD7Qzx/0/L/borrow003copy-L.jpg
From this, it's evident that, for some of us, category, subcategory and gallery name were in there prior to the most recent change during which the dual size parameter thing was introduced.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
I think you're probably speaking about Google Image Search. We've made massive changes recently along these lines, and you will see better results there. And, if you use descriptive filenames, even better ones
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Google uses text around the image, anchor text and a bunch of other things. In my experience, those weigh alot more than filenames. One thing is sure with the nicenames, making structural change to your site WILL hurt your rank. I've done it and lost, twice. But what do I know? I only have 6600 images indexed and routinely get 2-3 images on first page of Image Search, and did so before nicenames.
I just looked at some older images and their share links were in the old format:
The image above, however, has a share link almost in the new format. The image above is provided with the link as
Notice that the --photos-- in the new link is not the nicename/gallery hierarchy name for this particular gallery which is
Or am I missing something?
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
That gallery is unlisted
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