Virtual galleries - what gives in getting all images to show up?
I created 33 virtual galleries (one for each person on a rowing team). I then uploaded (over the span of two days), 700 images across four master galleries that contain keywords that match the various 33 virtual galleries. The uploads finished about 7am Pacific time this morning. Here we are 4 hours later and my virtual galleries do not yet show all the images they should. If I go in individually to a virtual gallery, open the virtual gallery settings and rehit the Save button, all the images will show up. But, it isn't happening automatically.
I thought this was supposed to be fixed. Is 4 hours not enough time? How long do I have to wait? I'm hoping to go public with this set of galleries, but now I don't know when it's actually going to be ready. Do I have to resave the settings on 33 galleries to be sure they all have all their images?
Here's an example gallery: There should be around 50 images, but it's only showing 12. I have NOT gone into this to re-save it.
This gallery shows 3 images and should show 37:
This one shows 2 and should show 30:
Here's one that was only showing 12 images ( and I resaved the virtually gallery settings (without changing them) and now it shows 57 (the correct number).
When it this virtual gallery stuff ever going to just work? Can someone kick all my galleries to make them work? I don't want to manually resave the virtually gallery settings on 33 galleries to make sure they all work.
I thought this was supposed to be fixed. Is 4 hours not enough time? How long do I have to wait? I'm hoping to go public with this set of galleries, but now I don't know when it's actually going to be ready. Do I have to resave the settings on 33 galleries to be sure they all have all their images?
Here's an example gallery: There should be around 50 images, but it's only showing 12. I have NOT gone into this to re-save it.
This gallery shows 3 images and should show 37:
This one shows 2 and should show 30:
Here's one that was only showing 12 images ( and I resaved the virtually gallery settings (without changing them) and now it shows 57 (the correct number).
When it this virtual gallery stuff ever going to just work? Can someone kick all my galleries to make them work? I don't want to manually resave the virtually gallery settings on 33 galleries to make sure they all work.
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The issue I fixed was when the user uploaded keywords that have never been indexed. The bug you are reporting here is different, but one I saw on Sunday and I've been tracking it down. It is one of two things - either a slave is out-of-date when it goes to read the images that match a keyword, in some cases, or there is a foreach loop that is failing catastrophically as it loops through the images to add. This is another of those "really tough ones", but I'm pretty sure that is what you are being bitten by here.
And, yes, it will work. I don't give up
- Greg
So, how do I get my virtual galleries fixed to show all the images they are supposed to?
I guess I'm also wondering how I would use virtual galleries without running into this problem. I thought I had the most basic use case there was. Upload new images with matching keywords and expect them to show in a previously defined virtual gallery.
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Its a bit different - the use case I fixed was when the keywords were ones that we have never indexed or seen before (in a global site-wide context). There is a separate bug (the one I am on now) where the table containing the images that match your rules gets updated too soon (I.E. reading from a slave) or like I said the foreach loop that inserts into the table fails. Then when you go to hit the gallery page it reads from this table and caches the result for faster rendering. Its more complex, but I'm just trying to explain the section of the process/code that is causing the problem.
In the case of the bug I fixed, it would *always* fail if the keyword was one that the system had never seen. But it could still sometimes fail if/when it hits this new bug I'm on the trail of.
I am going to ask our customer support to go through and clean up your galleries. You shouldn't have to mess with this. When I finish sorting out this bug I'll probably whip up some tool they can use to do this more cleanly, but thats obviously just a Band-Aid [tm]. This thing needs to work reliably and handle failures gracefully.
If you have an example of a keyword that you think the system has never seen before that did not end up getting indexed correctly let me know, I can run a few queries and figure out very quickly if that is the case. Though I am very certain that particular bug is bothering us no more.
- Greg
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aka, the same problem we reported on virtual galleries over a year ago
I know this is frustrating, but this feature is very complex and goes through many, many layers of the SM code base. There have been multiple issues going on here which is why it is really important to be precise about the bugs being reported here. Otherwise I am going to spend my time traveling down paths that have already been fixed. The post you are referring to points to some sort of indexing issue - as in the images that were being uploaded were not correctly being indexed. The issue we are dealing with right now is *much* more subtle and buried in caching, db replication, and code being called through obscure paths at the wrong times.
In this case, the report from a year ago is very different from what Jfriend and I are focusing on at this point in time.
Thank you for pointing this out to us, but in this case it is not the same thing.
- Greg
Were these from EXIF data or did you add them manually?
- Greg
I'll leave jfriend's thread alone, but the description so far matches. See posts #22 and #23 in the thread I linked. Doc reproduced it in #28.
Yeah, same symptoms but different bug.
- Greg
Are you going to be doing another batch of images like this in the near future? I have a potential fix live and would like to know if it works.
- Greg
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You're shooting my birthday?????? Yay!
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For those interested: the script that does all this processing has a max run time of 20 minutes. The script would then exit, leaving any pending albums that needed to be re-generated in a state where that would not happen. Because this script processes so many images in a 20 minute period of time the impact could be quite high.
- Greg
Awesome, I'm sure this latest fix I have will be out on Thursday (I may try to get it out today). Because of the number of issues that I've had to fix with the Smart Galleries I hesitate to do my usual declaration "this will work now". But, I am somewhere around 90% certain that everything will work perfectly for you on Saturday.
This was a really tough one to sort out all the different things that were causing problems. My notepad with all the diagrams and reference notes brings to mind images of mad scientists and doomsday devices.
- Greg
- Greg
Just tested out the issue I was having and it is working. Good job!
That is great, glad it is working for you.
- Greg
Out of curiosity have you been able to upload these photos yet and if so, have you experienced any problems or is everything working as expected?
- Greg
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