Fair price is subjective, it depends on a lot of things. For example, if AB 400 strobe is $224 brand new with 2 year warranty and extra 10% off for students. Then why would anyone would pay $200 for a used unit that has changed hands few times?! and its at Half-life. Ebay costs sellers to sell and list, however, on boards there are no selling commission, that should also be accounted for. Folks think that since ebay prices are X amount they should get the same amount on boards. Buying used is about saving money and taking a chance and not about paying top dollar and also taking a chance on used electrical unit.
So my fair price for a like new AB400 is $170 and $200 for AB800.
Not really, b400 sold on ebay for $140 recently. I also walked on a b800 for $225 to my door.
Was saving the $25 worth waiting however many extra weeks you're going to be going without the light? That's time you could be practicing and improving your craft, or better yet making money if you do this professionally. I'm all for getting a great deal, but I just don't see the logic in that.
But it's your money, and you can spend it as you wish, of course.
So my fair price for a like new AB400 is $170 and $200 for AB800.
Not really, b400 sold on ebay for $140 recently. I also walked on a b800 for $225 to my door.
Was saving the $25 worth waiting however many extra weeks you're going to be going without the light? That's time you could be practicing and improving your craft, or better yet making money if you do this professionally. I'm all for getting a great deal, but I just don't see the logic in that.
But it's your money, and you can spend it as you wish, of course.
Absolutely you are right, I will buy a new one next week if I do not find what I want.