Photo navigation suggestion
I would like to suggest if you can consider the photo navigation in large view could add something like:
When I hover the mouse cursor over the right portion of the image, there will be an indication jump out to indicate if you click on it it will go to the next photos in the album, at the last image of the album there will not be such indication.
In reverse when I hover the mouse cursor on the left portion of the image it will goes backward.
So this could save me to reach the arrow key on the keyboard and it is very common on other site which I think it is intuitive to use.
I would like to suggest if you can consider the photo navigation in large view could add something like:
When I hover the mouse cursor over the right portion of the image, there will be an indication jump out to indicate if you click on it it will go to the next photos in the album, at the last image of the album there will not be such indication.
In reverse when I hover the mouse cursor on the left portion of the image it will goes backward.
So this could save me to reach the arrow key on the keyboard and it is very common on other site which I think it is intuitive to use.
to move anything, just click.
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Of course, UI is just an opinion so others may have different views, but I thought I'd explain why I like the way it is.
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