Fenway Sadness

4Labs (Eric) wrote:The only thing missing from these are the sad faces after theYankees won!
I got at least one of those:

The sadness was just in the air. You could cut it with a knife.

And you didn't have to wait for the end of the game.

If not now, when?
But it's not over yet, we won the title as the Wildcard last year. Of course, we may not even be the Wildcard if we lose 2 more games... :uhoh
Anway, Fenway in mid October. Sounds like a photo-op to me. I paid $100 for a scalped bleacher seat yesterday. Wonder what the street value of that will be if the RS beat Chicago?
Perfect shots.
Was that 5D and that new 24-105 glass?
I have reservations about the 5D, but these lenses are awsome walking for this kind of thing. That 70-200 has such nice bokah and the 16-35 is as wide on this camera as the 10-22 is on a 20D and much faster.