#75 - Looking for Input

sapphire73sapphire73 Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,013 moderator
edited May 1, 2011 in The Dgrin Challenges
Still struggling to get over jetlag after flying from Sydney to northeast US a couple of days ago. Have scratched two of my ideas when I looked over the most recent entries. Do you think this idea might work? Here are a couple of renditions of the image and a couple of ideas for titles. Does this work or should I keep working on another idea? I realize that the titles express abstract ideas and that the image

1. Being open or not?

2. Focused or blurred?

3. Subtle or bold?

One of the reasons I have posted 3 variations of this photo of a pink flowering dogwood tree is that I am still having trouble assessing reds on my monitor. I have desaturated the red a bit in processing and may have gone too far.

I'd appreciate whatever help you can give me! Thanks.


  • sapphire73sapphire73 Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,013 moderator
    edited April 30, 2011
    Here are some photos I took earlier today for this challenge. Is the concept distinctive enough to enter? It is intended to evoke the idea of freedom to choose what to believe and do.... (Just realized that the orientation of that 2nd shot makes it look pretty difficult to make any progress!)

    If the idea works (and doesn't infringe on other entries), which image do you prefer? And/or how might I improve them? This is a staircase where I work. (There is also a lovely old elevator but I'm not even going to process the photos I took of it today!)

    Any thoughts folks?

    4. Going toward the light or not?

    5. Looking Up or Down?
  • WhatSheSawWhatSheSaw Registered Users Posts: 2,221 Major grins
    edited April 30, 2011
    I don't see that the last 2 infringe on anyone else's entry. And I think they fit the theme better than the dogwood. Can you get an angle on the stairway where up and down are more ambiguous? So far, I like the B&W better. And I would leave the title as Up or Down.

    BTW, the dogwood would work well in the mini-challenge. They are really nice.
  • sapphire73sapphire73 Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,013 moderator
    edited April 30, 2011
    Focusing on Staircase or Other Ideas
    WhatSheSaw wrote: »
    I don't see that the last 2 infringe on anyone else's entry. And I think they fit the theme better than the dogwood. Can you get an angle on the stairway where up and down are more ambiguous? So far, I like the B&W better. And I would leave the title as Up or Down.

    BTW, the dogwood would work well in the mini-challenge. They are really nice.

    Thanks for the helpful input. I originally shot the images of the dogwood to get some fresh images for the mini-challenge and spend some time outside appreciating the lovely spring awaiting my return. Beauty or Beholder is probably the only good title for the shot (I hit on that yesterday) and since that's already on a photo of spring flowers, moving on. Will see what I can do with the staircase (or one of the ideas that requires a willing model).

    Do you think using Up or Down for the title is OK when the elevator image has this title already? In other words, is this title generic enough that it doesn't infringe as long as the photo and concept are different?
  • travelwaystravelways Registered Users Posts: 7,854 Major grins
    edited April 30, 2011
    I like your flowers a lot, most the first one. I'm not sure about the title though...

    The stairs are a good idea, but it's something about the angle - There was a similar entry (I'm not sure if it was a winner or not) posted by Diva-mom some time ago, with stairs going up and down in the same time - sorry I don't
    exactly know which challenge it was, but you can check for reference.
    Tatiana - Seeing the world through my camera
    TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
  • sweetharmonysweetharmony Registered Users Posts: 405 Major grins
    edited April 30, 2011
    Boy oh boy, Gretchen, that dogwood image is a beaut....all three versions, but maybe for me, the middle one the most. I'm trying to think of other titles you could use......it took me quite a while to come up with the one I used.........what about "Curves or Lines?" You have both the curves of the petals/sepals and the strong straight lines of the leaves. Just for kicks, do you have more images from the same tree? Floral photography is my passion and I'd love to see more......
    This is the first challenge in quite a while where I've used a floral image and it feels so strange and oddly relieving to not have worked as hard out of my element as I usually do for the challenges; I didn't realize how very hard I've been pushing myself for the other challenges.
  • sapphire73sapphire73 Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,013 moderator
    edited April 30, 2011
    photo-bug wrote: »
    There was a similar entry (I'm not sure if it was a winner or not) posted by Diva-mom some time ago, with stairs going up and down in the same time - sorry I don't
    exactly know which challenge it was, but you can check for reference.

    Many thanks for taking time to give input on this. Much appreciated! Since I am somewhat new to the challenges (even though I have been on dgrin for awhile), just want to check whether there is an expectation that entries will avoid duplicating shots that have done before? In other words, should I be looking up Diva-mom's photo of stairs to make sure I don't do something similar - unwittingly? Or were you suggesting that I look at this entry as a helpful reference on ways to frame this shot? Or both?

    One of the complications with getting the shot of the stairway is that the space under the staircase has some very ordinary gray storage cabinets piled high with boxes on top, detracting from more typical shots. This may be why the angle looks odd. Will see whether I come up with something to enter or sit this one out. headscratch.gif

    Thanks for giving input on which rendition of the dogwood flowers you prefer. I have finally made the switch to shooting in manual mode more often the aperture priority and using manual focusing more often, and I enjoyed having a bit more control over the focus in spite of steady winds.
  • sapphire73sapphire73 Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,013 moderator
    edited April 30, 2011
    Boy oh boy, Gretchen, that dogwood image is a beaut....all three versions, but maybe for me, the middle one the most. I'm trying to think of other titles you could use......it took me quite a while to come up with the one I used.........what about "Curves or Lines?" You have both the curves of the petals/sepals and the strong straight lines of the leaves. Just for kicks, do you have more images from the same tree? Floral photography is my passion and I'd love to see more......
    This is the first challenge in quite a while where I've used a floral image and it feels so strange and oddly relieving to not have worked as hard out of my element as I usually do for the challenges; I didn't realize how very hard I've been pushing myself for the other challenges.

    Leah, thanks for the input on the dogwood image and helping brainstorm another title. I'll think on that. And yes, I do have other images from that tree. I may post three very different images from that tree in the mini-challenge. Glad you had an easier time with this challenge!

    On second thought, I am adding one of the other images to this post, just in case it would work better for your suggestion of "Curves or Lines?" And yet, I realize that we are aiming to tell the story with the photo itself rather than justifying it with the title. This is a challenge where the titles seem to be an important part of the package!

    6. Curves or Lines?
  • sweetharmonysweetharmony Registered Users Posts: 405 Major grins
    edited May 1, 2011
    I think I like this last one better than the first series.....but I'm not sure..........love the gentle curve of the branches against the green....
  • sapphire73sapphire73 Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,013 moderator
    edited May 1, 2011
    I think I like this last one better than the first series.....but I'm not sure..........love the gentle curve of the branches against the green....

    Thanks for giving me your input on these flower photos, Leah!

    I have entered a kangaroo with a large joey in her pocket and titled it "Holding on or letting go" - which can be from the perspective of the mother or her young, of course. I like that this photo and idea are more distinct from other entries, and I'll enter the dogwood photos in the mini-challenge.

    The backstory on this kangaroo shot is that we didn't see any kangaroos "in the wild" when we were in Australia three years ago. When my husband mentioned this to friends, they took us to a beautiful golf course where kangaroos like to graze. Our hostess took us around in her golf cart until she found one with a large joey in her pouch. I didn't have my external flash on this side trip, so this is shot at a high ISO.

  • sapphire73sapphire73 Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,013 moderator
    edited May 1, 2011
    Divamum's Great Image of a Staircase
    photo-bug wrote: »
    I like your flowers a lot, most the first one. I'm not sure about the title though...

    The stairs are a good idea, but it's something about the angle - There was a similar entry (I'm not sure if it was a winner or not) posted by Diva-mom some time ago, with stairs going up and down in the same time - sorry I don't
    exactly know which challenge it was, but you can check for reference.

    Great memory, Tatiana! I am impressed. When I looked up Divamum's shot of a stairway, I found that it was for DSS Challenge #32 - A Different Perspective (long before I joined in the fun!). It was a great shot of a straight staircase with light at the top of the photo with the twist that she was looking down the staircase when she took the photo. A very creative idea.

    I like my photo of flowers the best apart from the challenge, but am thinking that there have been a lot of stairs in recent challenges and an elevator in this one. Perhaps best to go with my kangaroo and look forward to the next challenge.

    Thanks again for your input on this!

  • GretaPicsGretaPics Registered Users Posts: 373 Major grins
    edited May 1, 2011
    Gretchen - I just saw your kangaroo entry and I love it. The psychological implications are a plus too. I'm fairly new to these challenges but I've enjoyed all your recent entries. My name happens to be Gretchen too BTW.

  • sapphire73sapphire73 Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,013 moderator
    edited May 1, 2011
    Gretchen, thank you for your input on the kangaroo entry. Just browsed through your photos of flowers, and they are lovely! I like your elevator entry as well.

    As for the name we share, I've been seeing it more often now, but it still surprises me. Nice to "meet" another Gretchen!
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