Re-Log-in in middle of customizing loses my edits

I remember reading about this scary bug, but can't find the precise thread. I'd already logged in just before going to Advanced Customization, but after I made some changes to my CSS and hit "Update", I was taken to that same Log-in box again & told to Log-in. When I went into the customization page again to try saving my edits, they were gone. It had (I hope) reverted back to the way it was before I'd first started editing. I say "I hope" because I had not had the info emailed to me this time, and I have no way of knowing whether anything got shortened or whatever. I don't see anything amiss on my site, thank goodness, but this was rather frightening & has been reported many times before. Whatever it was.... really needs to be fixed. We should never be asked to Log-in in the middle of updating. I'm on FF & Vista, but this has happened to people on all kinds of systems.
Anna Lisa Yoder's Images - ... Handmade Photo Notecards: ... Framed/Matted work: ... Scribbles:
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
I always recommend using one browser logged in for editing and one browser logged out for verification of changes. Some folks try to use the browser tabs to do both in the same browser and that is one thing we do know causes this loosing edits behavior.
I do have a bug report filed for the problem of getting logged out while on the advanced customization page.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
I'm very wary about submitting a long post or a bunch of stuff I just typed into a web form box. At the least, I copy the response before submitting in case it wipes it out. But I also have a habit of composing in something like notepad and then just cut and pasting. Again, so if the web form eats it, I still have a copy.
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