#75 second attempt - c&c please

went to one of the regional parks nearby looking for something specific that i saw last year. alas, the rains we had this winter pretty much insured the burned out patches from a few months ago are all covered in grass now...
but, i found other things.
bird or branch

the walkers or the path v1

the walkers or the path v2

as always, your input is greately apreciated.
but, i found other things.
bird or branch

the walkers or the path v1

the walkers or the path v2

as always, your input is greately apreciated.
- Diana
- Diana
1. If we take the Bird or branch and think about it, we'd most likely conclude that the branch came first.
2. Same idea with the folks and their path, prob. the path.
1a. Take the Bird out of the equation and ask what came first: Terra Firma or Cosmos (this argument does continue)?
1b. And what came first people or communion, etc?
So get a bit straighter regarding concepts and enjoy that shooting!
Incidentally, my biggest errors ALWAYS come from being too vague!
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .