Rockin' On Down
There's so much technically off-base with this shot that I wouuldn't know where to start C&C on it myself. But, darn, I ilke it. It's some friends of mine performing at an open-air bar in St.Augustine, FL.

I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Who better to turn to, I thought, than this group over in " streets " to get an opinion as to whether the shot is total garbage or does it have redeeming qualities.
I initially agreed with you, Richard, about cropping out the guy on the far left. Then I concluded he was a good counter-point to the movement of the performing group. Your position is probably the correct one, though.
If you like it and they are friends then it's a keeper.
I know all about slow lenses in low light (glad I don't have to deal with that as much anymore).
I know you don't post here often so I want to encourage you, but, there's just too much technically wrong with it for me, though I get where you are coming from with the one guys major blurr.
FWIW, I myself have fallen in love with some of my shots which are seriously technically lacking--one immediately comes to mind, it's one of my favorites of all time, yet it got pretty trashed here. the opinions were correct, but it doesn't stop me from loving that shot. Go figure.
I'm really happy to have you chime in on this one, Liz. And I couldn't agree with you more; the host of technical issues pretty much relegates this image to the trash was my original intent. The group loved the two shots that I thought were OK, I wouldn't even show them this one.
I guess I was trying to determine if there's a situation wherein an otherwise poor shot can be " saved " by a redeeming element or two within the image. I figure that could be the case on a very limited basis but that this image lacks the " power " elements necessary to pull it off.
Puff. That's the sound of the delete button.