My room mate Steve.
He bought a tarantula.
Untouched, two small CFL bulbs (uncovered), shot hand held.

And a shot of the spider, same as the first one. This was farther away from the light, so I tried to shoot a mix of built in flash and ceiling fixture. I'm not happy with it, but it was very dark in the room so it's ok.
Untouched, two small CFL bulbs (uncovered), shot hand held.

And a shot of the spider, same as the first one. This was farther away from the light, so I tried to shoot a mix of built in flash and ceiling fixture. I'm not happy with it, but it was very dark in the room so it's ok.

These are pretty much just snapshots.
I'd have loved to get more light on the subjects so I could bring the F-stop up some and get a bit more depth, but I just didn't have the time.
I'm planning on doing some digging around here and seeing about constructing a simple light box for stills and portrait type things. I've also go plans to make actual effort at shooting the spider to see what I can come up with.
BTW, snapshotty is a real word.
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