Kids store photos on Face Book?!
This may sound like I'm on the wrong forum but I've got 3 college kids who unfortunately keep all their photos on Face Book. I want some of those pixs that I see on their walls. Is there a way for me to get those Face Book photos into my Smug Mug galleries?:scratch
I click the Facebook picture, it displays more-or-less in a large fashion, click the "download" button in the bottom left of the box below the photo, then right click the resulting photo (it's now open in its own window) and save it from there.
One other method, if you have a large screen and Vista or Windows7, is to use the ctrl-plus key combination to enlarge the window until the photo fills your screen, press PrintScreen button on the keyboard, and then paste into a photo program (or even Word). You can get it that way, but it is only at screen resolution (Facebook is low res, anyway).
If you have Win7, use its included "snip" app (which I keep on my start bar) ... it allows you to copy any portion of your screen and save as a .jpg right off the bat (unlike 'PrtScr' or 'PrintScreen').
Oh, if you use ctrl+ (ctrl plus) to enlarge the view, use ctrl- (ctrl minus) to reduce it back to size (Vista and 7).
Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est.
First thing that popped into my head is get them from your kids. If they procrastinate just explain that your having trouble finding your checkbook the next time they call in a panic, and that as soon as your done trying to find those pictures you will get to looking for that darn checkbook.
Oh, how can I thank you. It worked perfect!! Just perfect! I wanted to make a photo book of their pixs at college. All downloaded now. Thanks again.
I prefer the ease, speed, and filesizes allowed by Dropbox or Pogoplug, but the kids do their own thing on the fly with fingers blurring on miniscule keyboards while they perform a variety of simultaneous activities, and which this "old-fashioned" sexagenarian frowns on ... like driving while texting on the blasted cellphone. And they don't give a hoot about online privacy. So, if you want to see the pictures of the grandkids, you have to look at them using their modern way, like it or not!
Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est.