Cannot Update SM Gallery from LR3.4 Publish
Hello, I am getting this error when I try to update a gallery via LR 3.4 Publish:
"SmugMug API returned an error message (function smugmug.images.changeSettings, message invalid data (ImageID))"
Not sure if this is a SM Bug or a LR issue. The gallery in question is called "Black & White".
Can anyone help?
"SmugMug API returned an error message (function smugmug.images.changeSettings, message invalid data (ImageID))"
Not sure if this is a SM Bug or a LR issue. The gallery in question is called "Black & White".
Can anyone help?
I just tried changing the gallery settings of one of my galleries without any problem.
Can you try syncing the hierarchy? You can do this if you right-click on SmugMug and select 'edit settings'. Then click the 'sync now' button next to sync hierarchy. Afterwards try changing the gallery setting again. If you still have an issue, I'd recommend you write our HelpDesk with details on what specific setting you tried to modify:
SmugMug Support Hero
Was no trying to change settings. I was trying to Lightroom Publish to upload imnages into a SM Gallery. That's when I got the error.
KenK Photography - Lehigh Valley, PA
Were you able to get the new version I sent you installed ?
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
"SmugMug API returned an error message (function smugmug.images.changeSettings, message invalid data (ImageID))"
Does anyone have an answer for this?
This happened after I decided to rename the images in one of my galleries. I changed the name of the images in Lightroom, deleted the images in the SmugMug gallery I wanted renamed and then tried to re-publish the renamed images.
Thank you for any information!