A Tribute to Rutt (Long Post)
Well, I'm sure I won't do as well as Rutt in posting a narrative/image post outlining my experience yesterday, but here goes:
So, yesterday my wife said she wanted to go to the World Festival of Sacred Music closing in Santa Monica on the beach.
We didn't know exactly where we were going, so we ended up for a brief stay on the Santa Monica Pier.

But luckily, there was a guy who offered us directions (to the wrong place, but at least he was helpful!)

On the walk, we weren't the only ones who found the sites interesting.

My beautiful wife:

Many were enjoying the beautiful afternoon.

Or sharing common interests.

You were supposed to wear white to the festival. These women were performing in a processional drumming/dance going down to the water.

The costumes were great.

These flowers later ended up on the shoreline.

One ceremony ended with traditional outrigger canoes being sent out into the ocean.

People really enjoyed themselves.

This performance included pulling several colorful scarves out from this women's dress.

Many just enjoyed the beauty of nature.

Some of the flowers that were offered.

We had a great time.

EDIT: Here's the gallery. Anyone who visits, please leave comments on shots that stand out (if any!)
So, yesterday my wife said she wanted to go to the World Festival of Sacred Music closing in Santa Monica on the beach.
We didn't know exactly where we were going, so we ended up for a brief stay on the Santa Monica Pier.

But luckily, there was a guy who offered us directions (to the wrong place, but at least he was helpful!)

On the walk, we weren't the only ones who found the sites interesting.

My beautiful wife:

Many were enjoying the beautiful afternoon.

Or sharing common interests.

You were supposed to wear white to the festival. These women were performing in a processional drumming/dance going down to the water.

The costumes were great.

These flowers later ended up on the shoreline.

One ceremony ended with traditional outrigger canoes being sent out into the ocean.

People really enjoyed themselves.

This performance included pulling several colorful scarves out from this women's dress.

Many just enjoyed the beauty of nature.

Some of the flowers that were offered.

We had a great time.

EDIT: Here's the gallery. Anyone who visits, please leave comments on shots that stand out (if any!)
Spasibo (Thank you)
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Weaving together a story from pictures like this can enhance both the story an the pictures. I find there is a real tension between picking my best shots and telling the story best. Sometimes I need to fill a hole and have to dig more than I would like to get a shot to do it. Sometimes the best shot is off topic and either the story has to change or the shot has to be omitted.
Hope this isn't your last attempt at this. It takes some extra time to think of an outing this way, but I find it very fun and rewarding.
Thanks, Rutt. It was rewarding. And the shot of the two ladies looking at the muscle guy--I almost passed over that one, but the story and the image worked well together, IMO.
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Thanks. I had a great time there shooting, at the computer processing, uploading and constructing the story.
If it's a trend, Rutt gets the credit. But I do hope that others start to do it as well. I really do enjoy it. I may make a journal gallery of this. That'd be fun, too.
EDIT: Thinking about it, Greaper's blind post is a good example, too.
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Thanks for looking, Jen. We did have a wonderful time.
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I sure think so!
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Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Thanks, PF. Thanks for looking.
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Looks like you had an awesome weekend day:-)
Good shooting, good place, good company.. Man, you deserved it:-)
PS, they are right, your wife is beautiful.
Thanks for looking.
DRT: thanks for the coloration go to : my 70-200f4L, which I think has fantastic color and contrast; LAB, which may not have done any better than correcting in RGB for these, but I certainly cotton to it and find it the easiest and fastest way for me to correct in, and finally: a great day, beautiful light, beautiful costumes and many beautiful women.
Nik: we should go down there and shoot some. It was a blast, Festival or no.
Greaper: my wife IS beautiful, and I'm so glad with these shots because she can photograph really poorly sometimes. She tends to get bored posing, so I get a lot of half blinking eyes, looking away, uncomfortable looks. But when she shines on camera, she really shines (at least I think so). Plus, she's so damn nice, too!
Gus: Glad you liked it.
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Thanks, Michal.
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I am beginning to think I am reading from Lake Wobegon, or whatever. I bet,well I know, the kids are all good looking, too.
They are good shots, saw them yesterday. Lurked a bit. I remember really liking a shot of a man swinging from a something. I was super jealous of that one. Not that I wouldn't like to look even close to like your wife again: I did for one year,
We are supposed to rain into the foreseeable future. Just hazy now. Gorgeous sunset last night. I was nowhere without a camera. Walking my dogs.
Thanks, Ginger. Yeah, I'm happy.
So what is it about the guy on the rings?
It's interesting to me because I look at that shot I just wonder how I could have made it better--better angle, maybe closer, etc.
I put it in because I thought it helped to give a sense of the place, more than I thought it was a fantastic shot. It was a story-telling shot, not a shot I was particularly proud of. But people seem to like it. I'd love to know why? What is it about that shot that works?
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It is a type photograph I have always wanted to perfect. I could do closeups. I think they are easy. Some people don't, but I do. I can do them with any lens I own from 17 mm to 400 mm, have done closeups a lot. Maybe because I started with photographing my kids. Didn't want a lot of extraneous stuff in there, just the main player/players.
But I see a shot like the guy swinging, I don't "recognize" it. With all the years I have had to learn that shot I still wait until it is too late. I think the background people are in my way, or that I have to get closer to the guy swinging.
However, I have seen those shots in magazines. It is not really, but kind of on the style of Annie Liebowitz, but there are a couple of men that it reminds me more of. All of those people incorporate more than I seem to be able to want to, in their photos. I try, sometimes people say they look like snapshots. That is one reason I object to derogatory usage of the word snapshot. Anyway, you get one well done, and to be honest, I don't see that many guys swinging on bars in the foreground, but I know I miss those shots all the time...............in the waiting, or the closing in.
So, I particularly appreciate one that someone else gets. Like your first photo, I could have taken that easy. But I probably would not have gotten the swinger.
As I said, I am young yet. I have a yr of beauty left,
ginger Cool photos, and I love that one. I just told you what it is about the photo! Top Drawer!