smugmug chat - BETA! HELP WANTED!

EDIT: Detailed instructions here:
I'm playing around with the idea of providing some communications via IRC. So I've set up a test server at '' for everyone to play with.
If you think it sounds like a good idea, fire up your favorite IRC client (mIRC is the most popular Windows client) and come on by.
Ideally, I'd like it to be a place where smugmuggers can chat with each other, help each other out with everything from editing photos to smugmug features and all the rest.
Along the way, it'd be nice to have a realtime conversation with lots of smugmug users at once so we can test out new features, get feedback, and really understand what we should be working on.
So if you're interested in helping make smugmug a better place, spread the word. Join the #smugmug channel ( /join #smugmug ) on the server and go to town. Join #smugpros ( /join #smugpros ) if you're a Pro level customer and would like to discuss Pro options with us and other Pros.
Tonight, for example, I'll probably be on there while I'm doing maintenance so you can see what I'm doing and what's happening. Should be a fun experiment, at the very least.
Note that this won't be an 'official' customer support mechanism, but I expect quite a few smugmug team members to be a regular fixture there, so we'll see how it goes.
See you there!
I'm playing around with the idea of providing some communications via IRC. So I've set up a test server at '' for everyone to play with.
If you think it sounds like a good idea, fire up your favorite IRC client (mIRC is the most popular Windows client) and come on by.
Ideally, I'd like it to be a place where smugmuggers can chat with each other, help each other out with everything from editing photos to smugmug features and all the rest.
Along the way, it'd be nice to have a realtime conversation with lots of smugmug users at once so we can test out new features, get feedback, and really understand what we should be working on.
So if you're interested in helping make smugmug a better place, spread the word. Join the #smugmug channel ( /join #smugmug ) on the server and go to town. Join #smugpros ( /join #smugpros ) if you're a Pro level customer and would like to discuss Pro options with us and other Pros.
Tonight, for example, I'll probably be on there while I'm doing maintenance so you can see what I'm doing and what's happening. Should be a fun experiment, at the very least.

Note that this won't be an 'official' customer support mechanism, but I expect quite a few smugmug team members to be a regular fixture there, so we'll see how it goes.
See you there!
Our site has a channel, on the temperamental I'll be adding you onto my list of servers!
Are No Match For
Age and Treachery
It sure is. It's been up 100% since I made the first post.
What message are you getting? Is anyone else having problems joining?
Here's the details:
Hope to see you there!
I'm on all the time & have not had a problem. If you need help setting up your irc program, we can help.
Dave (gallery)
First, download and install it as you would any other Windows application.
When it starts up, it will display a screen as follows. Enter whatever information you'd like, similar to signing up for a dgrin forum account or whatever. I recommend using the same nickname for smugmug, dgrin, and chat, so we know who you are, but that's up to you.
Next, select the "Servers" item in the left-hand 'Category' column, as shown, and click 'Add':
Enter in the smugmug server settings, as shown, and click 'Add':
Make sure IRC Server lists your new smugmug server, then click 'Connect to Server':
Congrats! You're now on smugmug's chat! The last thing to do is to join our chat 'channel', which you can do by simply typing in '#smugmug' (the # sign is important!) and clicking 'Join' as shown:
Now you're chatting with the rest of us. Simply type 'Hello' and press enter. You can see, below, what a typical chat window looks like.
The main portion is a log of everything people are saying, the right portion is a list of the people who are chatting with you, and the smaller portion on the bottom is the area in which you type.
I was curious so I just logged onto these chat rooms and noone was there. Does anyone still use them? Just curious..
Sigma SD9, SD14, and DP1
No, Darryl - been up an running for a long time. Need help?
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I'm using Colloquy for OS X. I've set things up per the instructions up above:
When I connect to '#smugmug', nothing happens and when I open the console, I see no one in there. Not sure of what I'm doing wrong.
Our server is
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Thanks Andy.
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No. And Yes. It depends. We work 365 days a year, but even Smuggy sleeps a little
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Shay, how'd you get the IRC choice in 'accounts'? I only see this
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Thx done. Neat!
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