Email alert through SMS

MPWMPW Registered Users Posts: 87 Big grins
edited May 25, 2011 in Mind Your Own Business
Is anyone aware of a solution to getting alerted via text messaging when you receive a new customer email?


  • ColoradoSkierColoradoSkier Registered Users Posts: 267 Major grins
    edited May 19, 2011
    Never heard of such a thing. Why not just get a smartphone?
    Chester Bullock
    Lakewood, Colorado, USA
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  • AngeloAngelo Super Moderators Posts: 8,937 moderator
    edited May 19, 2011
  • MPWMPW Registered Users Posts: 87 Big grins
    edited May 20, 2011
    Angelo wrote: »

    If you were both my students you would get F'srolleyes1.gif.

    The answer was here on GoDaddy. I used this for my android O/S phone and set email alerts to silent/vibe.

    Host Names

    To Use a Palm Pre® with Your Email
    Tap the Mail icon on the home dock.
    NOTE: If there are no email addresses created, the Palm Pre prompts you to log into the phone using Palm Pre credentials.

    From the Email menu, select Preferences & Accounts.
    Tap Add Account.
    From the Email menu, select Manual Setup.
    From the Mail Type list, select IMAP or POP.
    In the Email Address field, enter your full email address.
    Complete the Incoming Mail Server information as follows:
    Server Name
    Your POP or IMAP Server
    Your full email address
    The email account password
    IMAP without SSL - 143
    IMAP with SSL - 993
    POP without SSL - 110
    POP with SSL - 995
    No encryption - None
    Encryption - SSL

    Complete Outgoing Mail Server information as follows:
    Server Name
    Your Outgoing Server
    Use Authentication
    Without SSL - one of the following: 25, 80, 3535, 587
    With SSL - 465
    (Optional) Encryption
    No encryption - None
    Encryption - SSL
    Root Folder
    Leave blank
    Tap the Sign In button to save the new account and sign in.
  • xchangxxchangx Registered Users Posts: 47 Big grins
    edited May 20, 2011
    To their defense you left out a lot of detail. You also replied with something different than the original post.

    Most carriers have an email address of [EMAIL=""][/EMAIL] that you can forward your email to get it as a text message.

    What you replied to is setting up your email on your android phone.
  • 1scrappychic1scrappychic Registered Users Posts: 53 Big grins
    edited May 20, 2011
    Before I had a smart phone, I did what pp suggested. I have gmail, so I just set up forwarding to the text # for my phone (for verizon) and would be able to see most of it via text. But you can't reply, if I remember correctly so it doesn't do a whole lot of good.
  • AngeloAngelo Super Moderators Posts: 8,937 moderator
    edited May 20, 2011
    MPW wrote: »
    If you were both my students you would get F'srolleyes1.gif...

    Really? headscratch.gif

    Since you were the one seeking knowledge it makes you by definition, the student. deal.gif

    You get an F for not doing any of your own research before posting the original question. rolleyes1.gif

    I at least provided you with an entire page of possible answers. eek7.gifrolleyes1.gif

    Hope you've solved your problem. Good luck! thumb.gif

  • MPWMPW Registered Users Posts: 87 Big grins
    edited May 20, 2011
    xchangx wrote: »
    To their defense you left out a lot of detail. You also replied with something different than the original post.

    Most carriers have an email address of [EMAIL=""][/EMAIL] that you can forward your email to to get it as a text message.

    What you replied to below is setting up your email on your android phone.

    Kind of you to come to the rescue of posters that didn't come up with a workable solution.headscratch.gif
    Reread the original question next time.
    I am posting on dgrin. SM hosts with Godaddy. Godaddy uses webmail. I found a "solution" because there were no responses. The responses that did arrive were condescending to say the least. If they wanted clarification or more detail they should have said so. This is a help forum, if your taking the time to respond to a post make it intelligent, detailed and worthwhile. Thanks for the attempt.
  • MPWMPW Registered Users Posts: 87 Big grins
    edited May 20, 2011
    Angelo wrote: »
    Really? headscratch.gif

    Since you were the one seeking knowledge it makes you by definition, the student. deal.gif

    You get an F for not doing any of your own research before posting the original question. rolleyes1.gif

    I at least provided you with an entire page of possible answers. eek7.gifrolleyes1.gif

    Hope you've solved your problem. Good luck! thumb.gif


    If you think it's a stupid question here's a thought. Don't answer it. Move on. Surprised with as many posts as you have you didn't respond in an intelligent manner. The word troll just crossed my mind.
  • MPWMPW Registered Users Posts: 87 Big grins
    edited May 20, 2011
    Angelo wrote: »
    Really? headscratch.gif

    Since you were the one seeking knowledge it makes you by definition, the student. deal.gif

    You get an F for not doing any of your own research before posting the original question. rolleyes1.gif

    I at least provided you with an entire page of possible answers. eek7.gifrolleyes1.gif

    Hope you've solved your problem. Good luck! thumb.gif


    You're the moderator???headscratch.gifuhoh:jawdropne_nau.gif
  • MPWMPW Registered Users Posts: 87 Big grins
    edited May 20, 2011
    Before I had a smart phone, I did what pp suggested. I have gmail, so I just set up forwarding to the text # for my phone (for verizon) and would be able to see most of it via text. But you can't reply, if I remember correctly so it doesn't do a whole lot of good.

    Appreciate your taking the time to answer. I will look into it. Thanks!!
  • AngeloAngelo Super Moderators Posts: 8,937 moderator
    edited May 21, 2011
    MPW wrote: »
    Kind of you to come to the rescue of posters that didn't come up with a workable solution.headscratch.gif
    Reread the original question next time.
    I am posting on dgrin. SM hosts with Godaddy. Godaddy uses webmail. I found a "solution" because there were no responses. The responses that did arrive were condescending to say the least. If they wanted clarification or more detail they should have said so. This is a help forum, if your taking the time to respond to a post make it intelligent, detailed and worthwhile. Thanks for the attempt.

    if you read your OP again you'll be reminded you said absolutely nothing that ties your question to your SM account. Your question was and is apparently generic regarding email / SMS.

  • AngeloAngelo Super Moderators Posts: 8,937 moderator
    edited May 21, 2011
    MPW wrote: »
    If you think it's a stupid question here's a thought. Don't answer it. Move on. Surprised with as many posts as you have you didn't respond in an intelligent manner. The word troll just crossed my mind.

    I never said it was a stupid question.

    You asked about email and I looked up a table of possible solutions and posted a link for you.

  • AngeloAngelo Super Moderators Posts: 8,937 moderator
    edited May 21, 2011
    MPW wrote: »
    You're the moderator???headscratch.gifuhoh:jawdropne_nau.gif

    Yes I am. And as such I have a responsibility to keep the threads clean and moving along and free of snarky irrelevant posts.

    Your OP asked for help regarding email / SMS conversion.

    I agree post #2 was not helpful.

    In post #3 I provided a link to a page of possible solutions.

    In post #4 you post a snarky response calling me and the other poster failed students.

    When I called you on that you decide to beat your drum of condescension even louder.

    Here's your opportunity to roll it back a bit. OK?

    If not, you'll quickly learn how a moderator tames a wild beast.

  • MPWMPW Registered Users Posts: 87 Big grins
    edited May 21, 2011
    Angelo wrote: »
    Yes I am. And as such I have a responsibility to keep the threads clean and moving along and free of snarky irrelevant posts.

    Your OP asked for help regarding email / SMS conversion.

    I agree post #2 was not helpful.

    In post #3 I provided a link to a page of possible solutions.

    In post #4 you post a snarky response calling me and the other poster failed students.

    When I called you on that you decide to beat your drum of condescension even louder.

    Here's your opportunity to roll it back a bit. OK?

    If not, you'll quickly learn how a moderator tames a wild beast.


    "Yes I am. And as such I have a responsibility to keep the threads clean and moving along and free of snarky irrelevant posts."
    Practice your responsibility by refraining from answering the way you did and again either dont answer or provide a quality detailed answer, free of personal attacks.
    Did you forget the comment you purposely placed in your animation?
    "In post #3 I provided a link to a page of possible solutions."
    It was your derrogatory animation comment then a phrase search on google that was innapropriate. I emplore you to check out other moderators or posters willing to share their knowledge on these posts to learn how how to tactfully, succinctly, and directly construct a response to questions.

    "In post #4 you post a snarky response calling me and the other poster failed students."
    My comments were a humorous hypothetical born out of frustration and anger for the way you and the previous poster sat on your high horse and ridiculed the op.

    You don't have to say something was stupid to imply you thought it was stupid.

    ...and now the most disturbing comment of this entire ridiculous exchange "If not, you'll quickly learn how a moderator tames a wild beast. " Threats. really? Angelo come on, your bigger than this.

    "Here's your opportunity to roll it back a bit. OK?"
    I accept your apology.
  • AngeloAngelo Super Moderators Posts: 8,937 moderator
    edited May 21, 2011
    MPW wrote: »
    ...My comments were a humorous...

    and yet the humor of the oft used "Let me Google that for you" animation escapes you.

    Give me a break.

    Please just let this thread die a dignified death.
  • MPWMPW Registered Users Posts: 87 Big grins
    edited May 21, 2011
    Angelo wrote: »
    and yet the humor of the oft used "Let me Google that for you" animation escapes you.

    Give me a break.

    Please just let this thread die a dignified death.

    For the sake of the world wide audience Angelo, you conveniently omitted "was that so hard?" Neither of yours or post 2 really bothers me. It is the fact 9 days after my original post the only two posts did not only not answer the question, but made light of the op's question. In internet speak I was pwned. Also, by virtue of your position as mod you are placed in a leader ship role, but didn't and currently are not displaying leadership. You are not here for personal attacks, you are here to provide assistance. I only started to post here recently and hope that this is not an indication of the general sentiment of not only you, but others willing to help.
  • SamirDSamirD Registered Users Posts: 3,474 Major grins
    edited May 25, 2011
    MPW wrote: »
    Is anyone aware of a solution to getting alerted via text messaging when you receive a new customer email?
    I usually put in the email address assigned by the wireless carrier to get notifications like a previous post stated. But there is the problem of not being able to reply. However, I have found that on some phones, you can reply to an email by sending a text to an email address. This would be rudimentary, but would work for short messages back and forth.

    I use a similar system for being notified of posts to certain forums on my site as well as new user registrations so I can approve them. This system works well for letting you know you have work back at the office. thumb.gif
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