+ SmugMug link broken
I was happy to learn that I could connect to my SmugMug account to grab photos for creating Moo mini cards, however my excitement quickly turned to disappointment when most of my images could not be loaded and I didn't get my head around the Moo concept of 'Albums' and how it correlates to SmugMug "Galleries" and "Categories." In fact, it does NOT correlate...
The first problem: the vast majority of my images couldn't be loaded by And byt vast majority, I mean I was only able to see images from MySmugMug and Watermarks; none of the others.
The second problem: Album view in Moo does list some names of SmugMug galleries I have set up, but most of them are missing; even the ones that do show up in the list are missing images.
I have made a short screencast video with audio to demonstrate:
The first problem: the vast majority of my images couldn't be loaded by And byt vast majority, I mean I was only able to see images from MySmugMug and Watermarks; none of the others.
The second problem: Album view in Moo does list some names of SmugMug galleries I have set up, but most of them are missing; even the ones that do show up in the list are missing images.
I have made a short screencast video with audio to demonstrate:
Hi there!
When you are having issues with and adding photos, you will need to make sure you have external linking turned on in your gallery settings so moo can take your images from your SmugMug account and display them on their site for use.
If you take a look at your My SmugMug galleries vs. your Landscapes / People galleries, you will see that the external linking settings differ. This is likely the issue going on here. If you continue to have problems, please let us know and we will have another look for you.
-Kevin Wilson
Ok, so I just tested it with the Landscapes and Places gallery and it worked. I see that a lot of the previously broken images are also now working, sooo I suppose changing the external links setting in all of my galleries is the (tedious) fix.
Thanks for responding so quickly; looks like I WILL be able to order my mini Moos today after all!
I would suggest trying to make this a little more obvious; any of my galleries that had External Linking 'on' were either oversight on my part or automatically generated galleries (such as the 'favorites' from an event managed gallery of proofs).
Also the difference in nomenclature [Moos' "Albums" vs. SmugMug's "Galleries" and "Categories"] might be explained or better yet, made consistent.
Thanks again for your help!
I am seeing my watermark on the photos in the preview... please don't tell me I have to globally disable watermarking, too.
You don't. Moo will print from your originals on SmugMug, which don't have your watermark from SmugMug on them.
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That's what I was hoping. Awesome!
First step selecting photos works fine;
next step is arranging the crop to fit the card (in this case, mini cards) and when I get there, some of my selected photos are missing.
Clicking back to the previous step (selection process) and the photos are also missing from the queue.
I've tried adding images from a few different albums and from the general unsorted all 'photos' collection; some work, some do not.
I've made a little movie with narration to help illustrate:
VERY frustrating.
We will continue to work with MOO to get the issue solved as soon as possible.
Very sorry about the headache this is causing.