getting your photos published
I hope this is the right forum to post in, because I didn't see any other appropriate ones.
Does anyone have any advice on getting your pictures published? I have some nice travel picture and it'd be cool to have them published. Not looking for money here, mostly just to see if any of my pics are good enough to be published.
I looked at Nat Geo and the likes, but the competition is extremely tough of course...
Would love your advice.
Thank you!
Does anyone have any advice on getting your pictures published? I have some nice travel picture and it'd be cool to have them published. Not looking for money here, mostly just to see if any of my pics are good enough to be published.
I looked at Nat Geo and the likes, but the competition is extremely tough of course...
Would love your advice.
Thank you!
Look at your shots and see how they compare with others you see published. Critique their work as if it was your own. You'll know sooner or later if you're on par or not.
Here's the drawback to getting published--you're one in just a sea of unlimited photos that publications can get without payment. It's changed the whole game of how photographers get paid--which they don't. Look at any magazine and see how many of them have staff photographers anymore.
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I'm not actually sure you gave a drawback to being published. I'm not looking for payment (at the moment), if that's what you're saying. I do want the exposure, and the satisfaction of knowing that one of my photos is actually useful instead of just sitting in my computers, on Facebook, or shown off on Dgrin.
Thank you!
I understand that it would be a really neat wow factor to be published, even once. And it's not so much your work as who you know and what you're willing to give away. Magazines get hundreds of submissions by people just like yourself with pro work. You're going to need an inside road to the publisher.
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So sad, yet so true. Damn you technology... I just recently read that publications have started making deals with TwitPic to get the rights to use whatever pictures are uploaded onto it. So sad...
My photo was SO good somebody didn't give me any money for it! And they used it to make a profit for themselves! I'm being a drama queen on purpose hoping you get a flicker of a light bulb going off in your head. Either you are insecure in the quality of your photos or you're setting your bar far too low in what you should be getting in return for your photos, not sure which. But free commercial use of your photos.... to a profit making corporation.... do you really need that to convince yourself your images are useful?
Ask an entirely different way, what "exposure" are you wanting in particular, and why? And if you get that exposure what are you hoping it will lead to? There ARE times it is good to do something for free (I've done it before, I will do it again) but only if you have a realistic goal as to the positive outcome you're hoping to get from that freebie. If you simply want "exposure" with some vague idea that it will possibly maybe help you in some manner in the future, probably not a good enough reason. If you have a really good solid idea of how this free exposure will help you the story starts to change.
But I'm telling you from personal experience, free generic exposure is vastly over-rated....
A former sports shooter
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Thanks for your answer. I guess it's simply a confidence booster for me, especially if my picture gets a thumb up from a real pro at a real publication. It'd just be something to be proud of
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Sure they're good enough. Go to and make your own book, print it and send one to your family. They'll be impressed and you won't be giving away your content for free just for an ego boost.
As to the question, I would also apprecaite a reply to that if anyone has experience in getting published.....and as to not getting paid or getting paid...we are in a different world now...just like how we are not going back to black and white film or b/w television. And to top it off..that was not the original question.
From Nikon D70s > Nikon D300s & D700
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"Different world" - nonsense. It's still a world where people try to get as much as they can for as little as they can (or free). And the advice to self publish is pretty good. Impress your friends and neighbors with your very own authentic photo book!
People really need to stop quoting Rodney King..... "can we all just get along, since obviously my repeated violent resisting of arrest isn't working here?"
A former sports shooter
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Jeez...touched off a raw nerve huh???? Easy there...easy....
I will refrain from replying either we can get some sort of an answer to the OP's question(not from either one of you obviously)....or we just head off into the sunset!
From Nikon D70s > Nikon D300s & D700
Nikon 50/1.8, Tamron 28-75/2.8 1st gen, Nikkor 12-24/4, Nikkor 70-200/2.8 ED VR, SB600, SB900, SB-26 and Gitzo 2 Series Carbon Fiber with Kirk Ballhead
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I think mercphoto is very much to the point here, I asked myself the same question about exposure and being published recetly. Apart from your ego you do want people to recognize you and your work and hopefully that will generate sales as well. I realized the pricing of my prints on Smug was average to high relative to some my counter parts but I didn't really expect to generate a lot of web based sales without doing some personal marketing as well as local contacts etc.
Always asking yourself what the motive for what you desire is a good thing hence the question what do you want to get out of recognition of your work. I think I have answered that for myself.
Next came shooting the front and back cover for a cookbook - Definitive Microwave Cookery ll, while working for a small uhf tv station....there was a cooking section and the author was the host and like my tv camera work and hired me to do the stills for the covers.......
recently I was shooting a local statue and another shooter started talking to me and asked for a card then told me he was the art director for a publishing company...well did not hear from him for months and then got a frantic call needing photos in less than a week and he gave me an almost impossible task of over 300 images........same art director called and wanted me to go to Lexington Ky to shoot the city but no horses and horse stuff........both were paid have to watch all publsihers cause they easily forget where the images came that I mean you will get your credit but you may have to badger to get the paycheck or your copy of the book your images were used in.......especially from small publishers......
My family is always wanting to know why I do not talk about the famous people I have shot or the published works and all I can say is......I love what I do and the time spent doing it is incredible but these people are just people .....just like to the books.....I sometimes forget that I shot for cookbooks and books about cities.....just another day behind the camera doing what I love to do.......
I will recommend you spend approx $50 on the Photographers Market and follow the guidlines for making contact with people doing what you want to get into, whether it is offering travel images for books or post cards etc etc..........You really do not need to buy one every year unless you want to....every 2 or 3 yrs is really enough......or see if you local library has a copy you can check out and study.......