Gallery download stalls and never completes
When I try to download an entire gallery, the download begins normally but quits about half way through. I am initiating the download from:
Tools menu
This Gallery: Download All
My site is:
The gallery I am trying to download is
I have tried using a 27" iMac i7 and a MacBook Pro 15" i7.
I have also tried using Chrome, Safari and Firefox.
Tools menu
This Gallery: Download All
My site is:
The gallery I am trying to download is
I have tried using a 27" iMac i7 and a MacBook Pro 15" i7.
I have also tried using Chrome, Safari and Firefox.
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My solution was to use a web fetcher called wget. wget has an option that will automatically resume the download when it stalls more than a couple of seconds (-T NUMBER, where NUMBER is the number of seconds it stalls before restarting/resuming. I use -T 5).
I'm using the command line version on the PC, but I've found there's versions for the mac as well:
To use it, just put the download link that you get in the email as the download url. wget should follow the redirections properly and download the file. It's going to have a funky filename that you'll have to rename to a zip file, but it works.
Let me know if you have any questions and I'll help you however I can.
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