Replace Photo function not working

I touched up a few photos I've had online since 2009. I used the Replace function, and it said they uploaded and changed the date stamp (under Info), but the photos themselves don't change and haven't in ~30 minutes. I did the owner-download function to compare side-by-side, and even those are not the new images, so it's not just the display engine. For example, on this one, in addition to some burning and dodging, I cloned out the bright stone structure centered horizontally and ~25% from the bottom of the frame.
But it's still displaying this:

Any ideas? Just wait longer?
But it's still displaying this:

Any ideas? Just wait longer?
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Trying uploader / allowing replacements has pretty much the same result. It says it completed, but nothing changes (including the date stamp).
hmm... I'm going to upload one the usual way (not replacing) and see if it goes through.
Thanks for looking into this Andy/SM team.
Edit: I can still upload directly, just not replace.
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Want faster uploading? Vote for FTP!
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Awesome! I'll do so ASAP.
Thanks SM team!
I would have done so, but I didn't want to add old photos to my recent photostream. Also you lose views and voting that way.
Tried two files; no changes on the site either to the image or the modified date.
Might it be a browser issue (using firefox4)?
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It's the same issue I already sent them, but okay.
Here's how it plays out for me (sorry for the small snapshots - I'm remoting via my phone).
First, a comparison of what's online to what's local. The only difference at this point is the filename (online is the one you put in).
Then I go to replace it.
A few minutes later I get a confirmation.
And after waiting a bit and checking the online photo, nothing has changed.
I suspect the files are too similar and it doesn't recognize them as being different. I say that because I have a functioning workaround. I replace the photo with a completely different file, which it takes, and then replace that with the one I want, which it takes.