Fast panning artifact/distortion

Took a couple hundred pictures at Pike Peak International Raceway yesterday, and maybe three pictures showed this odd distortion, this being the worst. There is no red and white between the camera and the subject, only on the far side of the subject (and even that doesn’t look right) and in the distance, far right, both marking the inside of the chicane turns. The ground is level -- those “waves” do not exist.
I understand the whys and hows of a similar video distortion (airplane prop with phone camera) so I’m assuming that this related to the 7D’s vertical focal-plane shutter. But I just can’t get my head around how the reds and whites above the track got smeared below – obviously I accurately panned right–to-left (no up-and-down) because the subject is acceptably clear.
An explanation would be appreciated, but more importantly some hints on how reduce this in the future. I’m almost thinking a slower speed might be the solution to increase the spacing between the first and second curtain to avoid such a narrow “slit”. Problem is, the subject matter does place a “floor” on the shutter speed I can use!
Any analysis, comments and suggestions would be welcome!
Ps. The EXIF data should be intact.
<== Mighty Murphy, the wonder Bouv!
<== Mighty Murphy, the wonder Bouv!
Went digging through the other pictures and lo and behold, the ground really IS like that there. My apologies and I'll post the "proof" picture when I get home.
Seems to me that'd really launch a bike if someone ranout there...
<== Mighty Murphy, the wonder Bouv!