Shooting action in manual
New to this site (which im hooked on, love the fact that there are so many sports/motocross photog's here) and only been into photography for a little over a year or so.
I read everywhere that you should learn how to shoot in manual...... Which I have been trying to do for everything expect action. My question is what is the benefit to shooting in manual when shooting action? Although I pick a perticular spot (in my case on the motocross track) set up in either apurter or shutter priority and take a bunch of shots, then move onto another spot. I find im always moving around around as im shooting. Always shooting in the same general direction but zooming in zooming out, little left, little right, panning. If I were shooting in manual doing all this stuff wouldnt my exposer be totally off? I would think if i set up in manual, wouldn't i have to stay locked in at a certain focal length and in the exact same direction?
I read everywhere that you should learn how to shoot in manual...... Which I have been trying to do for everything expect action. My question is what is the benefit to shooting in manual when shooting action? Although I pick a perticular spot (in my case on the motocross track) set up in either apurter or shutter priority and take a bunch of shots, then move onto another spot. I find im always moving around around as im shooting. Always shooting in the same general direction but zooming in zooming out, little left, little right, panning. If I were shooting in manual doing all this stuff wouldnt my exposer be totally off? I would think if i set up in manual, wouldn't i have to stay locked in at a certain focal length and in the exact same direction?
D300s D90
Nikon 18-105mm,Nikon 18-200mm,Sigma 24-70mm f2.8, Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8
Nikon 18-105mm,Nikon 18-200mm,Sigma 24-70mm f2.8, Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8
Please dont take my response as saying your are wrong, I am just trying to understand. And it seems like your are saying for shooting motocross av would be the way to go, right?
Nikon 18-105mm,Nikon 18-200mm,Sigma 24-70mm f2.8, Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8
Nikon 18-105mm,Nikon 18-200mm,Sigma 24-70mm f2.8, Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8
I try to not comment on these type of things, I really do, but every now and then I need to vent. I apologize beforehand for not having an answer to you question.
I really, really, really, REALLY disagree with you having to shoot manual. I do believe it is very important to understand exposure (manual shooting, if you will) though!
You should use whatever works best for you. If that is manual, great. If that is Shutter Priority (or anything else), just as great.
If you understand exposure (and cameras) you understand what you are doing and you know what to do to get the job done. A lot of times I shoot Aperture Priority in combination with some exposure compensation. I could have used manual as well and I would have ended up on the exact same values for shutter and aperture. Shooting Aperture P is just easier for me. One silly little example: to me it is easier to select EV+1 instead of having to think about what the next full stop ShutterSpeed value would be. It is not that I can't. It is easier and quicker FOR ME to do it like this. (it is also visible in an analog way (a 'needle on a scale' instead of numbers) in the viewfinder, which helps me since that tends to work better for me) I do shoot manual as well, depending on my subject.
From personal experience, this does not aply to everyone: It are usually the 'look at me' people who think it is cool to shoot manual for some reason, while I think it is 'more cool' to know what you are doing and get the job done in the best and easiest way to you.
Moral of the story: Learn to understand exposure and metering. If you understand those, shooting manual will probably be (almost) as easy for you as shooting Shutterspeed Priority. And then YOU can choose how YOU want to shoot. & smugmug
Nikon 18-105mm,Nikon 18-200mm,Sigma 24-70mm f2.8, Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8
Couldn't agree more, Ivar! A pro photog friend told me after I bought my first dSLR to shoot manual and RAW for the first year, just to learn how to expose. Then I can choose the program that works best. I did so, and now use manual >95% of the time, because it is easier. Sometimes, like at a recent soccer game in hazy-bright light but with clouds periodically blocking the sun, I switch to Av mode with the proper offset. Not sure if I got more keepers, but my focus was on the action and not the meter.
All in all though, I much prefer manual (and RAW as well, though that is a different conversation).
Then there are the very rare instances I use program mode - when I am shooting small birds in wildlife areas where the light changes very quickly as they move to outside a bush to inside a bush. You can still have a little control using this mode.
I have tried aperture, shutter and recently program mode for children's plays where the light is not great and use of flash wouldn't do. So, I think the answer is "it depends" on your experience and the situation. Flexibility is key I think.
From what I have read it seems that full time "sports photographers" use manual most often, but in my opinion that is for people who shoot sports all the time. Plus they use some great lenses that I can't afford.
Anyway, just my experience and learning all the time.
Trying to keep LifeInFocus.
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams
Like Ivar said, in good hands both will work very well. Some sport shooters prefer Tv mode, and some Manual mode or Av. The only right answer is the one that is right for you.
I shoot Manual mode and Av mode the vast majority of the time, but I shoot mostly landscapes and wildlife.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
The real trick is understanding how exposure works. I try to use the most automatic approach that will get the results I want. Most of the time, that's Av or Tv. But in the cage, that approach gets me too many wrecked shots.
Thats what I tend to do. When im shooting at the track I use Av, just because its quicker. I am still always watching my meter to make sure i'm getting the apeture and shutter speed I want. I feel like if im in manual i am locked into just one specific shot (because even if I move slightly in one direction the exposure would change), were as with av i have more of a variety of shots in a general area.
Nikon 18-105mm,Nikon 18-200mm,Sigma 24-70mm f2.8, Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8