A red Ultima GTR
According to the web site for the Ultima, this is one of the fastest cars in the world. Found this one in the parking lot at a local autocross event. The owner has since contacted me asking if I could take more pictures of the car. Any suggestions on taking pictures of cars?


Let the owner know that to capture the true essence of his/her car, you need to take it for a spin to see what the car tells you:D.
Seriously, I don't have much to offer. The only thing I would say is to use a polarizing filter to help cut out some of the reflection. This isn't a problem with dirty cars, but I'm assuming that the owner removes the smallest specks of dust whenever he can:D. I'd also say to find a location that doesn't have a cluttered background.
Good Luck and have fun,
BTW, don't forget to charge the owner a healthy fee. If he can afford that toy, then he can pay for the photos
A picture is but words to the eyes.
Comments are always welcome.
He has helped me much with my GTR purchase.
My website is http://www.importsuci.com/gallery feel free to take a look around for any ideas.
Usually I like shooting with a polarizer to saturate the colors and get rid of some of the reflections. Also, I try to avoid pictures that are parallel to the horizon (some dramatic effects 0o0o0). If you want to take a full car shot, I usually shoot it from the corners of the car instead of head-on. Otherwise, I like to focus on specific parts that make that particular car unique (ie. fender flares, scoops, tail lights, etc). If you got a wide-angle lens, get up close and shoot tight, cutting some parts of the car off.
Another idea is to have a moving car backdrop at night... basically park the car against a high traffic road and fire off a 15" exposure to turn the background into a sea of white and red.
Think as if you are shooting a portrait of a person, good bokeh is
Oh, and as others have stated, charge big $$$$!! This guy is loaded!
Here is an example. Make sure you BLUR the license plate, some peeps get mad if you post that info online!
(no polarizer, but shot at -2/3EV. I was kinda buzzed that day so it was shot at ISO 800 on accident