What I want is the mailbox of #2 with the grasses of #1. Picky, picky, eh? Anyway, probably #2 is stronger on-theme, but I sure love the texture and light of the first one. Good eye, Bill.
I love the yellow & gold tones of the grasses in #1, and the way the worn & broken mailbox is softened by the surrounding grasses - & the title (perfect with what is written on the mailbox), but agree that the mailbox in #2 stands out better for the theme.
sapphire73Registered Users, Super ModeratorsPosts: 2,013moderator
edited May 27, 2011
Both great shots for this challenge, but I agree that #2 is perhaps stronger for the theme. If you wanted to reshoot #1, you could perhaps give us the best of both worlds, but no need with #2 being a strong entry.
Well now, dang, I guess I have a different take on the theme. I'm thinking it's not who has the most weathered or worn object, it's who has the best photo of a weathered/worn object. But two does show more weathering. Both are are good.
Well now, dang, I guess I have a different take on the theme. I'm thinking it's not who has the most weathered or worn object, it's who has the best photo of a weathered/worn object. But two does show more weathering. Both are are good.
Good point... maybe we are looking for weathered a little too much. I just liked the texture down the side of #2... but I do really like the grasses of #1, so for me it was a toss up and I went with the texture.
Well now, dang, I guess I have a different take on the theme. I'm thinking it's not who has the most weathered or worn object, it's who has the best photo of a weathered/worn object. But two does show more weathering. Both are are good.
I'm not sure it's different - you are totally right, but I'm sure most of us have thought in the same way:
- a mix between the theme an a wonderfully done image.
However, in this example, I find the main subject - the rusted object - to be a little too obscured by the environment,
even though it is a very nice photo.
Thanks for the feedback. I gotta say, I like both of these for different reasons.
I had "hoped" the idea of "persistence of hope" in the face of adverse elements might translate better into the theme idea than it seems to have done.
I realize that the subject in the Hope photo is a bit obtuse. It's actually the front door of a mailbox, that's been removed and placed decoratively at the base of a new mailbox for the same address. I do wish the context was a bit better.
That said, here are a couple of other angles I've considered.
3. Closer in on hope
4. Hope with a square crop
5. Different angle on #2
6. Just for context... here's the original of #2 with a post that I cloned out of the first one and a little less color manipulation
Definately gonna enter one of these... If my head fall off from indecision before Monday
sapphire73Registered Users, Super ModeratorsPosts: 2,013moderator
edited May 28, 2011
I think it was the wideness of the shot in #1 that drew the eye from the subject, going toward the horizon, looking for a hint of house, etc. I think my favorite is #4 (perhaps with the highlights toned down just a bit) or your original #2. Great shots!
I think it was the wideness of the shot in #1 that drew the eye from the subject, going toward the horizon, looking for a hint of house, etc. I think my favorite is #4 (perhaps with the highlights toned down just a bit) or your original #2. Great shots!
I go back and forth about the extent of the horizontal context. I do like the horizon, for orientation, but I think the narrower focus on the subject is more important. Ideally, they'd both be there. It's a bit of a trek for a reshoot, so I'm gonna make due with what I have. As an aside, I agree that the highlights in #4 are problematic, as it was accidentally, extremely overexposed in the original (thank goodness for the latitude of RAW!). I might be able to tone it down a bit more. Another stretch for my evolving PS skills.
I like them both a lot, but I think the second one is more on the theme, showing more textures.
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Good point... maybe we are looking for weathered a little too much. I just liked the texture down the side of #2... but I do really like the grasses of #1, so for me it was a toss up and I went with the texture.
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I'm not sure it's different - you are totally right, but I'm sure most of us have thought in the same way:
- a mix between the theme an a wonderfully done image.
However, in this example, I find the main subject - the rusted object - to be a little too obscured by the environment,
even though it is a very nice photo.
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
I had "hoped" the idea of "persistence of hope" in the face of adverse elements might translate better into the theme idea than it seems to have done.
I realize that the subject in the Hope photo is a bit obtuse. It's actually the front door of a mailbox, that's been removed and placed decoratively at the base of a new mailbox for the same address. I do wish the context was a bit better.
That said, here are a couple of other angles I've considered.
3. Closer in on hope
4. Hope with a square crop
5. Different angle on #2
6. Just for context... here's the original of #2 with a post that I cloned out of the first one and a little less color manipulation
Definately gonna enter one of these... If my head fall off from indecision before Monday
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I go back and forth about the extent of the horizontal context. I do like the horizon, for orientation, but I think the narrower focus on the subject is more important. Ideally, they'd both be there. It's a bit of a trek for a reshoot, so I'm gonna make due with what I have. As an aside, I agree that the highlights in #4 are problematic, as it was accidentally, extremely overexposed in the original (thank goodness for the latitude of RAW!). I might be able to tone it down a bit more. Another stretch for my evolving PS skills.
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