Please critique my updated site

Just finished moving from a basic WB install with included theme to a much more robust version. Would greatly appreciate your thoughts.
Known issues:
Purchase page not set up yet
Contact form in footer not working
Slideshow on Blog page slightly corrupt
Thanks in advance
Just finished moving from a basic WB install with included theme to a much more robust version. Would greatly appreciate your thoughts.
Known issues:
Purchase page not set up yet
Contact form in footer not working
Slideshow on Blog page slightly corrupt
Thanks in advance
My site | Non-MHD Landscapes |Google+ | Twitter | Facebook | Smugmug photos
My site | Non-MHD Landscapes |Google+ | Twitter | Facebook | Smugmug photos
Hi. I just spent several pleasant minutes perusing your site. I love the banners you have created - elegantly simple.
It's a very gentle, soft-sell for your artwork, but that's ok. I think you've already noted a few technical glitches.
Nicely done. Good luck with it.
Picadilly, NB, Canada
Canon shooter
John - I chose prices based on the Fotomoto suggested guidelines for 'moderate' pricing. I just adjusted the price a bit. I have to admit that even with the prices as-is, I've only sold prints 11x14 and higher.
Appreciate the thoughts.
I have fixed most of the bugs at this point but now am just cleaning up some old blog posts to correct image sizing.
My site | Non-MHD Landscapes |Google+ | Twitter | Facebook | Smugmug photos
Images in the Backcountry
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Your site is very nicely designed and very easy to navigate. Having great pictures doesn't hurt either
It doesn't seem that you site is hosted by SmugMug. Is it a custom site or was it done through another site similar to SmugMug.
The site is done via Wordpress. I self-host it and use a theme called Dandelion by Pexeto.
As much as I love Smugmug and use it (and trust it) with photos of my kids and travel shots, it doesn't work well for me as a blog-type site nor do I like the current FB/Twitter integration.
My site | Non-MHD Landscapes |Google+ | Twitter | Facebook | Smugmug photos
Thanks for the info. I want to redo my own site and really like what you have done. One more question if you don't mind... how is the fotomoto intregration accomplished? Is that built-in to WordPress or does Fotomoto provide plug-in code?
I say simple and easily in hindsight. It took me most of 3 days to get the site to where it is from the more simple blog structure I started with....
My site | Non-MHD Landscapes |Google+ | Twitter | Facebook | Smugmug photos